3 1/2 years for slaying Toronto, Ontario I have bitched before about murderers in my country getting wrist-slapped ;^( It is all so far-fetched, perhaps AfterDawners do not believe it to be true... Well read it & weep: http://www.canoe.ca/NewsStand/TorontoSun/News/2005/03/23/969597-sun.html I know I know, who cares - but I am deeply concerned. Comments?
That is totally dispicable! I mean seriously! 3 and a half years! People who embezzle money get TRIPLE that time! You would think that murder would net someone life in prison or the death penalty, but to be honest, nowadays, if you commit murder the courts will give you a lighter sentence. That is ridiculous. The way the system works nowadays blows! Because now, it only seems like you get a harsh sentence with downloading music and movies, embezzling, and anything else that is trivial. But, oh no, not murder! That is one crime that you will get the least sentencing. If this is how society is going to be, regardless if it is Canada, UK, or the US...then we are doomed to our own devices. It sickens me to think that he got 3 and a half years and yet, not only did he used a knife, but slit the guys jugular. It wasn't like it was in his way! If I were the judge...it would have been straight with the death penalty...no go pass go, no go to jail, no to be continued. But that is just me.
It shows what a f**ked up state the world is in general, you get more time for piracy than rape/murder/child molestation. It's good to see the courts prosecuting the real criminals, i don't think so !
Real criminals indeed....I guess I should get the death penalty cause I download music. So sad... But if I were to commit murder, rape, or child molestation oh yeah...I could get off, all I have to do is either plead insanity, get a good lawyer, or just pay off someone. Now I wonder how far this "justice" is going to go...because obviously....there isn't any!
i'd have got him 1 1/2yrs....heh j/k...yeah i know bad joke bad joke but seriously that is complete and utter BS, the criminal justice system in western society is quickly becoming a farce, if it isnt already :/.
dont know how some of those judges sleep at night on their $30,000 beds and $3000 silk sheets.....wait hang on a sec :/.
I don't know either...sucks really, because you would think they were trying to uphold the laws governed by society, but it really KILLS the morale when you think about it, cause they are letting these sorry @ss sickos back on to the street in like no less than 4 years. I mean, geez, you get more time embezzling funds than you do committing murder.
your right, your god damn right...no arguements from me here, but unfortunatly thats just the way it is and the system just seems to get worse and worse as the years roll on. anyways venom, ive gotta make a run for the door, gonna go watch the footy(australian rules football that is ) with the boys, watching footy and drinking beer is a combination to good to pass up . it was good chatting with ya m8. lataz
Alright dude...you have a good time out there! Drink one for me! LOL! Will catch up with you tomorrow.
Here we go again - only 3 years this time, for murder! Of course, here in Canada (with mandatory release after 2/3 of sentence served, and 2-for-1 credit for time served awaiting conviction) she will probably be out by Christmas... Ho ho ho ;^( http://www.canoe.ca/NewsStand/TorontoSun/News/2005/04/12/992947-sun.html I tell ya, bicycle thieves get longer sentences that that in the U.S. She'll be out so quick, she better keep her apartment... LoL Disgusting.
in sweden must of the murders acts in court like they are mentaly ill. if the jury belives him/her wich they mosly does then the murder only has to serve 1-2 years in prison. after one year they will take a mentaly test if they pass they are free .. its crazy but true
I found this and your all wrong about the 3 1/2 years he did receive 10 and it was for self defense. If it were your loved one whom went to prison for self defense then Im sure you would not be passing judegment without having knowledge.