Ok i asked this but no one will asnwer and ive been trying for the past 3 hours to figure this out, Where do i put the files to make games, emulators, and Apps to show up under those names in the modded Dash board, I am using UnleashX i installed it the way explained up top where you can still use Xbox Live... Edit- Ok i figured that out, but where the heck do i find ROMS for WinstonX and all that other stuff?
Look for AID - AutoInstallerDeluxe, it autoinstalls dashbaords/hacked dashboards, emulators and other apps that show up on your dashboard. Alternatively, install everything in E:\Apps, and on your dashboard, choose "Load apps from hdd". As for ROMS, look for the emulator folder, look for a "ROMS" folder, or just FTP it to the main folder, or look att he official emulator homepage. -Mike