Ok.. So I am no officially stressed out!. I have some avi files on my pc, that i wish to either burn as a svcd or a dvd...WHATEVER will work. First im using Nero 6 ultra!, i have install Nimo, K-lite, Tnsumani(sp?), Powerdvd, windvd, and have also manually installed ac3 codec and filter. Now when i use tmpgenc to convert my avi to a mpeg, the video comes up in the selection window, but not the audio.. So i open gspot, and it tells me under video.. Xvid, and 4 compatible codecs installed. Audio, AC3(0x2000) Dolby...etc.. 5 Compatible Codecs INSTALLED.. WHY WONT IT WORK?... i can use tmpgenc to convert avi's with mpeg layer 1 audio no problem..(i hope that made sense)... What am i doing wrong.?..or is there another way to do it??.. PLEASE HELP.!
Ok so now i've tried to take out the audio using virtualdub and i get the error no audio compressor could be found to decompress the audio??.