I found this site called www.pandora.com where you put in what band or song you like and it makes you an internet radio station of bands or songs that are alot like the one you listed. Pretty cool if you'd like to discover other bands that match your musical tastes. I'm sure it also helps out alot of bands that would otherwise never get heard. enjoy!
ive seen that site too and its ok if you like crap.. lol every artist ive ever searched for on that site cam back non existant or as something completely different than what id searched for
Syphertek - just because you didn't have any luck with it doesn't mean others wont. i'm sure alot of people here like to hear unknown bands and such. Remember your opinion is just that, YOUR opinion.
Nice site Darthnip, I'll get some use out of that !!! I've heard a few good tunes on it all ready and it was bands I've never heard of, nice find, cheers for sharing