Something weird with Nero 7 Premium

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by anhnam, Jan 5, 2006.

  1. anhnam

    anhnam Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    okay this started yesterday, i have full version nero 7 premium and i had it about 4 weeks. right now i can't open nero 7 burning rom program. it say it can't open nero.exe, this happen after i open up nero express instead of nero startsmart then nero burning rom. i tried reinstalling it and still i get the problem of not able to open nero.exe. i tried this on two other computer and like after couple burning sucess nero.exe is able to be opened. can someone help me and tell what is going on? oh and i'm windows xp and a nu-tech dvd burner. nero 7 premium works on my old computer which is a window 2000 with sp4
  2. Klewis

    Klewis Guest

    I had same problem with Nero 7 Ultra, you are going to have to remove and re-install Nero. You should also visit Nero to use the Clean up Tool to make sure that all files are removed as this will continue to cause the problem. Most importantly Roxio does not work well with Nero so make sure that you do not have any Roxio software installed.

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