ok so i got my m3 ds real/rumble pack combo in the mail today, tore it open to play with it, put the cd in, formatted mt 2ig sd card i bougt just incase (cause u never know) then coppied that system file to the card and turned on my ds and it boots up to the m3 logo and then to a black screen that says 'no ststem file is fond put system file in someonnee plleaassee help and dont tell ne i have a broken m3
someone pplleeaaassseee help me iv been waiting for this stupid thing to get in the mail for 4 weeks and i get it and i cant figure out whats wrong
hi well theres a couple thing it could be. are you taking the files out of the SYSTEM folder? if yes you should be putting the whole SYSTEM folder in the memory card after you download it here is a direct link to the latest system files it should start the download immediatelty http://down.gbalpha.com/GBalpha/Softwares/G6&M3DS-R_E25.zip formatting how are you doing it? if your using vista it has problems sometimes when it comes to formatting memory card and putting data on them if you can use an xp computer and when formatting try fat 32 first if you still have problems with the system files try fat 16 i believe it is Other possibilities. you memory card could be a fake whered you get it? your m3 real could be damaged or poorly made. you should contact the seller and try to have yours replaced if all else fails try different system files. there is a hacked version of the m3 real japenese sakura files wich works with the m3 real in english you can try that its really neat im going to be using it myself they can be found here http://gbatemp.net/index.php?download=2553 also what micro sd are you using there could be compatiablity issues.
try this firmware mate its what i have on my m3ds real - http://gbatemp.net/index.php?download=2553 its the new sakura firmware for the m3ds real and it seems a lot quicker than the original m3ds real firmware ! once downloaded unrar it and copy the SYSTEM folder to your memory card , thats it firmware done , easy as that . to play nds roms you will need to create a NDS folder on your memory card and then put your nds roms in there , easy as that . if you dont like the sakura firmware you can always put the original firmware V3.7D back on , you can get that from here mate - http://gbatemp.net/index.php?download=2526 same again unrar it and copy the SYSTEM folder to your memory card , thats it firmware done , easy as that . any more questions or probs let me know , woof811.
ok i tryed both the systems u guys gave me to try n this is what happened, the first one g6&m3ds real said exactly [language: chinese] no system file found! put system file in and the second one sakura said firmware language id and hardware id are different please install the firmware corrosponding to each i got the system files from here http://gbatemp.net/index.php?download=2553 which is an english version... i havent the slightest clue wuts goin on any ideas?? pleass, i have tryed it with a micro sd that does wor, my buddy uses in on his r4
pretty sure it came with chinese writing all over the box but when i get that error its in english...
fusk.... they sent me a fusking jap one and i cant put englush files on it!!!!! i just tryed putting the jap one on and it works now!!!! please please tell me theres a way to make it work in english
you could have bought a chinese m3real by mistake iff so try these firmwares - System V3.7d (Asia) - http://www.handheldsources.com/M3DS/Download_M3DSR.html or this - http://gbatemp.net/index.php?download=1940 woof811.
it the chineses version i cant read the guide because it is blocked at my school but hopefully this helps you out http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=63782&st=30 its says convert chinese m3 real into english and vice versa it might include soldering wires hopefully not but also look around in gbatemp i know they have custom firmware for the cards sumtimes maybe they will have a hacked english m3 real system files that works on the chinese version
alright so the patch kinda worked... it boots up n stuff now but when it gets to the screen where u should be able to select what u want to do, like the very first one, its there for a second then goes black and the m3 logo sits on the top screen so ima try lownloading the firmware again
hmmmmmmmmmmm never having bought a chinese m3ds real ( always bought english versions ), whats it like when you boot up using chinese firmware ? is everything in chinese ie. menu , icons , nds rom names , etc....? sorry for the questions , but was just wondering if you could get away with using chinese firmware for just playing nds roms ? woof811.
alright so sakura works totaly great but the other firmare just gets the black screen so if someone knows how i might b able to fix that ill b all set... if not i will just use sakura i guess
everything was in japanese yes lol. but i got a patch for the startup file that changes the region so everything is in english now kuz i had to use a jap system b4... and i should be able to play the roms ill try one n get back to u just dling some now
someones gota help lol i have been searching forums n web for hours and i cant find anyone with this problem
what are you trying to do ? play english roms? you should be able to because ds are regon free despite cards i can play chinese roms on my ds i dled modern warfare by accident