Sonic MyDVD burning issues!!!

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Scroat, Jul 9, 2003.

  1. Scroat

    Scroat Guest

    Hi all,

    I've just bought A Sony DRU500a DVD writer and trying to use the Sonic MyDVD software that came with it. However on loading the software and adding mpegs (home videos of variable sizes) the Burn button is greyed out. Sony's website states this is because the files are too big for the DVD which is can;t be true as I've even tried a file 25mb and it still greyed out. When I use the hotkey to burn it states there is no disk in drive (which there is!) I have used the "Showbiz" part of the program to burn to disk (which it says it successfully does and kicks out DVD on completion) but when I try and use it there seems to be nothing on the disk.

    Any ideas as I'm losing hair rapidly!!
  2. easydisk

    easydisk Guest

    I think you may have to research a bit deeper. MPEG is good for VCD, are the files you are trying to make into dvd's MPEG2?, if not then they have to be re-encoded into that format so that they are compiant.
  3. Scroat

    Scroat Guest

    Thanks for reply easydisk...All files I've tried to write have been encoded to MPEG2 format. I'm beginning to wonder whether the disks I'm using aren't compatible with the Sony, They are Memorex DVD-R 1x-4x disks which weren't cheap so I thought they'd work. I have also tried using Nero which comes up with a potential write error but still burns. However when seeing if it runs as a DVD it just sits there, although I'm able to see the data this time on the DVD...possibly software related??? Anyone know of decent authoring software for the Sony?
  4. easydisk

    easydisk Guest

    I'm not familiar with the sony, but the memorex disks i have used before. the ones i bought were about £1.40 each, and came in a tub of 10. I found them to be fine, just watch for any dust or marks on the surface. A good quality 4x disk for about the same price as a top quality 2x. I'd agree, maybe software issue as the disks are know good ones.
  5. johnxyz

    johnxyz Member

    Aug 14, 2003
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    Any luck yet? - I have the same problem with my Sony DRU500AX connected via firewire to pc...the total of all file sizes are well under the 4.7Gb.
  6. Scroat

    Scroat Guest

    johnxyz...Still have the same problem, but it does seem to be the way its been captured and not the disks (recorded other data and they are ok) I have looked at my captured video with Powerdvd XP and it skips when looked at from the hardrive. I have just purchased Pinnacle Studio Version 8 and so getting to grips with that to see if it struggles as well. If it does then my guess is its my hardware (ATI 7200 video card and AMD K7 1.4 processor) A friend also hod this issue and he was told by Pinnacle to reduce his screen resolution to a basic 800x600 (don't know why that would effect it!) and come out of all other software...this seem to cure it but I haven't resorted to that yet!...will let you know.
  7. Scroat

    Scroat Guest

    johnxyz...Sooorrrryyy!!! I thought I was replying to a different thread. Anyhows, yes I have solved it...contacted Sony who advised me to uninstall any DVD/CDROM drives AND ALL DVD burning software off my machine (includes NERO, MYDVD, Ulead plus any others). Then let your pc reboot and auto detect the drives (although you may have to put the drivers back on depending what version of Windows you have) Secondly, Reinstall JUST Mydvd. When you load up MYdvd the Burn button should then be workable. It seems Mydvd does not like multiple drives/software installed, If that doesn't work it could be your Sony is not set as the primary drive which it needs to be. Failing that Sony's Tech support were reasonably helpful so give them a try at
  8. johnxyz

    johnxyz Member

    Aug 14, 2003
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    Thanks Scroat - I'll try your recommendation
  9. Andycabs

    Andycabs Member

    Aug 30, 2003
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    I also have the Sony DRU500-AX. And maybe im just very lucky but I have had VERY FEW problems with any disks I have tried. I use verbatim +/- R/RW and they all seem to burn 100%. I started in Feb. of this year and to date I have backed up over 200 DVD,s and 100 home moves to DVD. I also buy alot of cheap DVD-R from online auctions. I did however run into a small problem with a 50 pack I bought online. I dont know what kind they are because i cant seem to get the program to work that tells you the Disk info. The problem I ran into was that the disks would burn ok but wouldnt finalize. After about 5 coasters I realized that they didnt hold the full 4.36GB. At best I could get 4.29GB. So I reset my DVD2ONE to 4372mb instead of the 4472mb that it starts with and I havent had a problem since. The one problem I am running into is trying to get 2 hours of home video onto a DVD using Sonics MyDVD. It seams that MyDVD uncompresses the Audio because it will only use PCM audio. Does anyone know of a program that will let you convert MPEG2 files to DVD files with the compressed audio? Thanks in advance!
  10. yertgnik

    yertgnik Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    hey. sonic mydvd came with my burner as well, and it is junk. couldn't get it to do anything productive... get nero 6, it is incredible.
  11. Scroat

    Scroat Guest

    Andycabs, try using Pinnacle Studio Ver 8 to capture your home vid and create the MPEG2 using that. I then use Sonic purely to create/burn to DVD with no problems (although the biggest home vid I've created is only 3meg) Pinnacle is also better for "skipping" issues When I used Sonic for capturing I found it to struggle with frame rates, but Studio 8 worked fine...
  12. Andycabs

    Andycabs Member

    Aug 30, 2003
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    Thanks Scroat I'll have to try that. But actually the problem I am having isnt so much with the capturing. I Use MyDVD to capture from my digital camcorder and for my old 8mm analog Camcorder I use Intervideo WinDVR. It does a good job of caturing a DVD Legal MPEG2 file through my capture card. The Problem lies in making the actual DVD. Sonic uncompresses the audio portin of the MPEG2 file no matter what I use to cature it. Therefore in order to get 2 hours onto 1 DVD it compresses the video so much that the quality is pretty bad. I,ve been researching it alot and it seams that in order to do what the movies studio's do..which is 2 hours of high quality Video and audio..onto 1 DVD you need one of those $1000 plus capture cards. so I guess for now im sticking with the 1 hour per DVD. Thanks for your input thought!

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