Hi, a friend of mine is just after buying a dell laptop with a sony cdrw/dvd crx835e (rev kdke) device installed. He purchased anydvd and also clonedvd to do his back ups. I was with him when he attempted his first backup but after clonedvd read the disc, a burning error occurs. He's not really well up on the web so I was checkin the web and when I carried out a search on that particular sony device it turns out you can copy and burn cdrw but only read a dvd and cannot burn the files?? Would this be correct with this sony device and if so, could you download firmware so dvd's can be burned?
Sorry for the bad news sandisk but yep this drive will only read dvd's not write to one. There is no firmware or anything that can be downloaded to change this to a dvd burner. His best bet would be replacing that drive with a slimline dvd writer.
Thanks for the reply, more likely he'll just get an external burner. I'm no good when it comes to replacing internal devices. When you get the external burner, is it handy enough to make that your default reader/burner? Thanks
You're right sandisk - external would be better esp. for a lappy. He can use the one drive to read and the external to write to. Yes it's easy to switch between using the external to read or write. You can just pick the external (needs to be connected of course) with whatever program you are using.
Hi binkie7, another question for you that you might be able to help me out with. I was talking to my mate on the phone today and he said he'll be buying the external burner for his del laptop within the next couple of days. He has clone dvd2 installed on his laptop and basically I want to know if you have to configure the laptop in the control panel so the external burner will be selected by clone dvd or should it be automatically selected once the external burner software is installed. I also have clone dvd2, and the default settings has my burner automatically selected, but my burner is internal. Thanks Sandisk
@ sandisk if the laptop has windows xp on it then when he plugs in the external burner windows xp should pick up right away and there for it should be seen in my computer and clonedvd2 as well.
Yes he's running on xp home edition. So basically all he has to do is open up clonedvd2 and windows should pick up the external burner and select it as default burner as there is no other dvd burner installed on his laptop.
it will show the dvd-rom drive and his dvd burner in clonedvd2. so basically just turn the dvd burner on and when u open clonedvd2 it will show them both.