Hello People, I backed you a load of family handycam cassettes to DVD-R so i could have a copy and also so i cold give them out to family, so spent a day doing this and got everything on one DVD-R only to find out if will only play on my mates Sony DVD player that i used and WIN DVD. So Ive been trying all the software i can find to rip it and convert to something i can give out and will play on everyones DVD player. The DVD contains one folder VD_RTAV. Vr-Manager.IFO also BUP and VRO, The only software that will rip it is DVD decrypter but when i re- wright it to a new DVD-r it is the same and will only play on Sony and win DVD. please can anyone help its doing my NUT. As u may realise I'm not that knowledgeable at this so i may of missed something obvious. Cheers Simon
its in a format not normal for dvd players VRO ok i think you can get a free trial of tmpgenc dvd author: http://tmpgenc.pegasys-inc.com/en/download/index.html guide here: http://www.btinternet.com/~james_lancaster/guide2.HTML or here: http://personalpages.manchester.ac.uk/staff/kevin.j.mullarkey/docs/PCtoDVDRGuide.pdf --------------- also one or more of the files inside your folders on dvd will be the mpeg (prolly the bigest file size, check by clicking them to play just that file, i guess at the VRO is the mpeg or mpeg's), this mpeg could be copy and pasted to a free app called dvd flick (makes menu too) and made into a dvd compatible for most players, aslong as the discs used are good too! like verbs/TY/ritek, check your discs useing dvd identifier or dvdinfopro or imgburn app. all depends if you have a menu etc (gets difficult then) how many .VRO do you see? you may even be able to rename the .VRO to .VOB and use ifoedit to make ifo/bup for main movie only type affair, but will go into this later let us know what you have and where you need to get to project wise
Much Appreciated The TMP software did everything and its easy to use! you can convert DVD VR to a Normal DVD in a few clicks. Also a quick fix was just to change the file exstention to a .mpg and play your vr files on media player. Cheers Guys
glad it worked for you i have 3 diff softwares from tmpgenc very dam good! media player should play vro with out change ext, .vob is same as .mpeg2 dvd compliant