Hi, Would a CRX220E1 qualify as a 2 sheep burner, like the E2, or is it a significantly different burner, despite an almost same model number? I know where I can buy an E1, just need to check on this first. Cheers
If the Sony CRX220E1 is on the "2 sheep" burner list as you enter CD-R forums then grab it m8 although I personally recommend the Plex Premium (52\32\52x) for backing up pc game protection. Shoey
Hi Shoey, Thanks for the reply. I picked up a lg gce8400b to try out, does the 2 sheep fine, but not the 3 sheep file. Yet to try it with sims deluxe. Will keep your reco in mind. Any idea where I could pick one up? Hal
Just did a search in google and got some hits. That's the Plextor PX int. ide Premium drive that your talking about?
You can get a great deal on the Plexy Premium at Newegg.com m8. Keep in mind the Plexy Premium writes VariRec technology , specifically designed to backup SecuROM cd protection. http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=27-106-233&depa=1 Look closely at the pic and you can see down near the bottom VariRec. Shoey _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Afterdawn forum rules http://www.afterdawn.com/general/legal.cfm Please see our guides before posting http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/[/small]
Hi Shoey, Thanks for that! That drive looks kick-a...!! Not cheap but you pay for performance, and I'm always happy to shell out $$ for top line products. Unfortunately, newegg doesn't ship internationally [I'm in AU], but there's some local onlines available here. I think the lg I just bought is on it's way to the 'Bay', but I will report on it's success with Sims backup first. Hal