Sony DCR-DVD92 Multiple DVD's to One DVD

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by druger, Aug 14, 2005.

  1. druger

    druger Guest

    I have two of the 1.4GB Mini DVD's I've recorded onto that both contain file folders labeled "DVD RTAV" and contain files labeled VR MOVIE.VRO, and VR MANGR.IFO. My Nero Doesn't seem to recognize these formats, and neither does DVD Shrink 3.2. I'm used to seeing "VIDEO_TS" Folders and know how to work these. Can I convert them, or is there a way to merge the two disks into one without converting? I know I can change the settings on the camera to record so I get the "VIDEO_TS" files, but I like the current settings on the camera for on camera editing if needed.

    Any help is appreciated.
  2. mov8051

    mov8051 Guest

    I got a Sony mini DVD Handycam 2nd handed. My handycam didn't come with the CD software. My computer does't read my handycam when connected. Was wondering if you can help me... I need the USD driver support from the CD software from your handycam. You can email it to mov8051 at yahoo dot com ... thanks

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