Sony DCR-HC90E (PAL)

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by EvilJohn, Apr 17, 2005.

  1. EvilJohn

    EvilJohn Guest

    hello there,

    i live in belgium and i want to buy a new camcorder but since the prices are so high here, i started looking to buy one in another country. On the following link i found the camera i wanted to buy ( in fact i'm still choosing between the hc42 and the hc90, some help here would be welcome too).
    but my real question is: is it possible for me to buy a pal version in the us and if so would it be still cheaper than here in belgium?
    this is the link where i found the camera for a price that is 200 euros cheaper than here in belgium:

    but now i'm wondering how much i have to pay to get it send here to belgium and if it's possible off course? will it work here properly?
    i also have another option, because my sister leaves tomorrow to philadelphia so if anyone knows a shop near west conshohocken 191428 where they sell this camera for a reasonable price in pal version, let me know ;). and will there be trouble when she comes back? i don't know anything about this so plz need some help.

    thanx in advance

    TPFKAS Regular member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    You're supposed to pay tax when you import it from the US to Europe. Thay may be able to send it, but if customs opens it, they keep it in their possesion until you pay tax.
    If you handcarry it and you don't report it and get caught you will pay tax plus a fine. If they find the camera with all the acessories plus packaging material that's suffcient evidence for them that you bought it in the US...
  3. EvilJohn

    EvilJohn Guest

    Thanx for this info, but i already knew this, my question was actually how much tax i will have to pay to import it into Europe? If it's not that much and that's the only thing i have to pay upon the price of the camera than it will be a good deal for me.


    TPFKAS Regular member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    I don't know exactly, but it is at least the VAT and if the camera also had DV-in an extra tax for being able to use it as a VCR.
    All-in-all it could be up to around 25%.

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