does any know a good way to burn sony and disney dvds.i'm using dvd shrink and nero7.everything else seemes to be working just a little slow
I use anydvd with dvd decrypter and it works fine with me. was running imgburn but I like dvd decrypter and havent run into any more problems from when I first downloaded it.
Hmmm... DVD Shrink hasn't been updated nearly 3 years, so it's tough to rip and backup "Sony & Disney" movies/DVDs nowadays. Check out some of the best FREE guides and tools below. Tools I used and highly recommend: DVDFab Decrypter 3080 RipIt4Me 1690 DVD Decrypter DVD Shrink ImgBurn FixVTS and VobBlanker Have a look at some FREE guides here (Featuring guides by alkohol & fasfrank: it will help you to install, rip and backup any DVD successfully; guides including DVD Shrink, DVDFab Decrypter 3080, RipIt4Me 1690, DVD Decrypter, ImgBurn, VobBlanker & FixVTS). As for newbie, I recommend you to rip with the latest DVDFab Decrypter 3080 (simply because it's more faster and easier), then try to "open files" via DVD Shrink and transcode. If for some reason DVD Shrink is choking (can not continue), then you'll need to process and clean your already ripped files (VOB, VTS) through FixVTS or (VIDEO_TS.IFO) through VobBlanker. If you don't want to use DVDFab Decrypter, simply rip with RipIt4Me (it is unstoppable, but just a little longer that's all). Follow this RipIt4Me guide here Best of luck and enjoy them FREE guides!!