Sony DRU500AX firmware & Dell computer help

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by rifx, May 4, 2003.

  1. rifx

    rifx Member

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Sony says I must, among other things, uninstall Intel Application Accelerator (IAA) on my Dell 8250 before installing firmware, then upon reboot, IAA will reinstall automatically. Dell says don't do this, that it could ruin my computer and won't tell me how.

    So I'm using DRU-500AX without firmware and so far no problems. BUT, does anyone have instructions for how to uninstall IAA on Dell? And will it really reinstall upon reboot automatically without causing problems? I need specific, detailed instructions and not general ideas.

    HELP PLEASE. Someone must have a Dell 8200 series AND a Sony DRU-500A or AX.
  2. Tosca

    Tosca Guest

    I got a sony dru 500ax recently and did plenty of headscratching as I could not find the intel accelerator app on my Dell 8200. I crossed my fingers and upgraded the firmware to 2.0f anyway and so far no problems. Burns properly and reads properly...


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