Hey guys, Sony didn't pay me to say this but I think this will help people out. I just brought a Sony DRU810A Dvd burner from CompUSA yesturday since my lite-on 4x burner was old and dying. Well its $80 and comes with a $20 rebate from CompUSA or around $50 from tigerdirect. Well I broght it because I like sony products but this quality was well above my expectations. So far I did 10 burns. 2 with sony media (on digitalfaq, rate as 1st class media, 8 compusa discs (crappy media, rated as garbage on digitalfaq they were cheap though and before i use to burn at 2.4 so quality was ok) and the results was: When i put in the sony disc only could do 1x-8x but i said i could use 12x and 16x? So i used 16x with nero but it failed. The second time I burned it as 4x just to be safe and it work. But wat's interesting I burned a compusa dvd-r (aml 001) at 4x its max speed and thought it was gonna be a coaster. So i was surpised it was able to verify and so i checked it with nero cd-dvd and it scored a quality score of 99 while read at max speed! I then did it with 7 more aml 001 disc and read with max speed and they all scored over 90! I did it before with my lite-on and it gets like a 25. I'm thinking this burner rules. This might be just a fluke or something because i've only tested it with 7 crappy media disc. Anyone else have success storys of their burners?
Yea, i know this burner, i recomended it to my mom awhile back. Considering the price its pretty damn good.
thread teleported to relevant forum. the thing with crap media is that it's inconsistent, a handful of burns doesn't mean a lot. i've just spent all weekend re-ripping from 500 crap media that all burnt flawlessly at the time, even played well at first, but started going bad...