sony drx-700ul

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by dwalda, Sep 7, 2004.

  1. dwalda

    dwalda Guest

    Hi All,
    I'm thinking of buying this burner.Sony DRX 700UL. Any comments on it's performance? Quite pricy, but I'm finding out that double layered disc's are the new wave.Any scrambling software needed to burn disc's? Where can I find ALL the software I need to burn ALL disc's I have? I have Nero 6 Ultra Edition. Will this work for DVDs? I see it will burn mini dvd..
    As you may be able to tell I am new to this proceedure. I was burning from one DVD player (stand alone)to an Apex Recorder. But that broke, now all Recorders have copy protection installed to the max.
    Any help would be very appreciated.
  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    *does not belong in advanced, thread moved*

    While the Sony DRU-700A is a decent enough drive I'd recommend getting the Pioneer 108 DL burner. Pioneer is about as good as it gets when it comes to burners and will probably cost as much or less than the Sony.

    Yes. DVD Decrypter, DVD Shrink, DVD43 1.4 and AnyDVD to name a few.

    Right here at this very site in our Software section.

    Nero 6 Ultra includes Recode 2 which is an outstanding compression/burning app for DVD videos although it lacks a ripper. DVD43 1.4 or AnyDVD will overcome this shortcoming.

    My best suggestion at this point would be to take your time and read through the forum. There's a wealth of information to be found here and the more you know before you start the better off you'll be. Here's another bit of advice - DL media is painfully expensive right now so unless you're rolling in money you'd be best served by using more affordable SL media until you get a handle on how things work and what methods you prefer :)
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    Last edited: Sep 7, 2004
  3. dwalda

    dwalda Guest

    Thanks Niphilim. Much appreciation for the info. I will read on into the Forums to catch up. Thanks again,
  4. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Anytime :)

    If you have any questions during your reading feel free to ask away.

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