I have recently ungraded from a K700 to a K750, but I have discovered that themes for the K700 don't work on the K750 and if I get a K750 theme which came with the phone, load it into Theme Creator save it, then it no longer works. Am I corrent in assuming that I need a different version of Theme Creator. The current version I have is v1.4 I have been on the Sony Ericsson site, but I cant seem to find Theme Creator, and I'm sure thats where I downloaded my current version from. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Go to the SE main site .com amd then select the developers world tab on the top, then docs and tools, and then multimedia. The link is here, I registered here some time ago, but anyone can, just detail that you are into developement as reason for access if required. Latest version is 1.8 http://developer.sonyericsson.com/site/global/docstools/multimedia/p_multimedia.jsp