Sony Handycam black screen.

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by Ph0BoLuS, Mar 28, 2007.

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  1. Ph0BoLuS

    Ph0BoLuS Regular member

    Dec 4, 2004
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    Hi, i have a Sony HandyCam (DCR-HC20 NTSC). I haven't used it in a while and just took it out to record my brothers play that he was in. When i turned it on and tried to record all i get is a black screen. All the display options are there like the menu, STBY, time, battery, and battery info. Even when i hit the record button it says its recording but i get no picture from the LCD screen or the view finder. It's like the cover on the video camera is closed permanently or something. I switched the cover on and off and nothing happens except for a message on the LCD saying the cover is on. Any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance.

    EDIT: It turns out that Sony has had this problems with a bunch of these camcorders so they are offering to fix it for me free of charge and pay for shipping to.. So problem solved.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2007
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