If I hook another dvd player up to my dvd recorder can I copy dvds this way? I heard some places will chip the recorder to burn dvds. Where can I find that chip? Any help would be great.
JayB1742.............. you can do that but you will be limited, because all the dvd recorders ect. have protection built in them to try to stop you from doing that, sometimes there is a way around it ..."chip the recorder" stuff is available, have seen it on the net, think it would cost more than the recorder, they do make boxes and such that go in between the video line to get rid of the protection for you, but they will cost upwards 100.00 dollars, probably more than you paid for your recorder anyway..........and also most of the times the cheaper recorders/players ect are easier to defeat, and you have less problems aswell, a family member of mine had a fancy SONY DVD PLAYER, and had many problems playing backed up movie's on it, she went to Wal-Mart and bought a $25.00 DVD player not a problem since.... it's a whole lot easier to backup your movie's on a computer... here's a website that sometimes has the Hac*s to help you with getting rid of the protection on you recorder, just go to it then type in your brand/model no/ect in the space and see if there's any help for you there. http://www.videohelp.com/dvdrecorders gday..............