I would like to this to be a official place to whine and bitch over sony's limitless arrogance. if mods feel this topic is a clone or to hot to handle place feel free to whack it *L* ------------------- I feel 3 things has caused sony to attempt this and to slow its sliding into becoming "just another brand" 1.Sony sales are lagging on most sony products their quality is getting lower and lower. 2.the PS3 is not really unregioned its cross unregioned with JAP,EUR,USA for games and movies are cross regioned jap,USA euro being euro only. 3.AS a Mafiaa er....Media Corporation its been trying to find a way to control its loses from on a regional scale. This makes prefect sense for Sony since they have no clue about the how consumers feels they just want to stop the bleeding of money,lets not cut back on CEOs any or try and adjust global pricing no lets just do what we want to do in the first place license regional retailers so that only they can have complete control on pricing forget demeaned or what it will sale at thats a thing of the past. I would be very surprised to see any over manufacture dislike this idea to have complete control over each region to "ban" any store to export/import their products. Anyone got news or links that goes over anyone commenting on Sony's move to ban importation? I would also like info on the details so far the only reason this sticked in court is because euro has high standards for power/electronic devices. To me regioning dose not make since if you unregioned movies they will sale better across the board because it can be be played across the world,sure there are odd censorship rules you must meet in some places to sell stuff their but if you wind up having more stuff imported their doesn't that make you even or with give a profit?
It seems Playasia.com has buckled under the threat and wont sell PSPs in Europe that means no PS3's either. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6160738.html?sid=6160738 http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/sony/playasia-chickens-out-wont-import-ps3-210927.php ---------------------- various link sang blogs/info. http://pspupdates.qj.net/Lik-Sang-Setting-it-straight/pg/49/aid/70702 http://pspupdates.qj.net/Lik-Sang-Setting-it-straight/pg/49/aid/70702 http://www.ps3blog.net/2006/10/25/sony-vs-lik-sang/ http://www.1up.com/do/blogEntry?bId=7562490&publicUserId=5645138 Love to have this sticked but there are so many thigns sticked here *L* Oh I need help finding sony mailing and call information I wont to post there addies so people can get the word out and aonny them ^^