having problems backing up my sopranos collection , I am using dvd decrypter then burning them using nero6 copied the first series without a problem and have done numerous movies without a glich using ritek discs what am i doing wrong any suggestions most helpful
Maybe this DVD is a DVD-9 two layer DVD? Have you checked that the files on the DVD are smaller than 4.38GB? In case they aren't, you'll need DVD Shrink or DVD2One or a similar software to compress the movie before burning it with Nero. If this is not the case and the files on the DVD are smaller than 4.38GB, then could you maybe slighlty elaborate your problem and tell us if you have a ripping, burning or playing back related problem?
will try to be more precise decrypted using file mode when i try to burn using nero6 in dvd video mode error reads dvd video files reallocation failed
ok, if you're trying to make a 1:1 copy (I now assume that the original is smaller than 4.38GB), try to use DVD Decrypter in ISO-mode, first read (creating an image to your harddrive) then write (select the image you just created and burning speed). This should do the job. Nero has been known to create problems every now and then. Hope you get your copy.
that worked to copy the seris 2 vol1 as it was smaller than 4.38gb but the vol2 is bigger than 4.38 how do I compress it as its writen in iso mode
the ISO-mode is useful only for DVDs smaller than 4.38GB. Thus in this case you could use DVD Shrink instead of DVD Decrypter. It does both the ripping and the compression. You'll find excellent guides here http://www.dvdshrink.info/fulldisk_basic.php or on this site under guides. If you already used the ISO-mode of DVD Decrypter to copy the image of the DVD-9 to your harddrive and you don't "want" to start over again, then you will have to find a tool that opens the image you have created in order to process the files with DVD Shrink. This is beyond me but I believe daemon tools would be a software to look into in this case. Hope you find what you need
thanks for your advice have downloaded dvd shrink and daemon tools will try both if not the m8 whos a dab hand on the pc will help me out