The cXXX-word is one of the most derogatory insensitive and Offensive word in the English language. Toward women. To post that on any web site,come on mods,why are you letting Sudds post that crap with out making a Comment and editing his post and that type of language. Is against the rules.hes even using the f-word. he has no right posting that junk,on afterdawn web site.. its unbelievable that was posted at 18:58
Not just that word but all of the horrible words........... if you are going to let out steem yell it to youself...Posting it here won't do anything
Sudds, Understand your anger, but you may aswell edit the coarse language before a mod obliges. That site was coming along nicely aswell. I even put a few suggestions forward. I hope you find it in yourselves - you, ravenlife, codeman etc to rebuild the site you once had, as you guys have massive potential.
@ireland, I, like you also read the pre edited version of the post by sudds with absolute amazement that some one would post such disgusting rubbish. I normally send an offensive report but in this case allowed it to stand to see what action would be taken and I am very disappointed as no doubt you are that very little punishment was metered out to the offendor. Others have been warned for using far less abusive material however the softly softly approach has been taken in this instance. It doesnt matter how inflamed one is by something that has occurred...this is NO place to post this filthy language, much more restraint is needed. Although the post has been edited in a fashion it's still NOT difficult to read what has been posted, may I suggest that the complete OFFENSIVE post be removed.
*Gwen* I f u got hacked urself i,d say you would be pretty p****d off, this is the first an last thread in which i say those things, but u dont know me from adam, am a dead on fellow and would help anyone out in an instance...but dont cross me either, i dont like being made a fool of. I just needed to rant, sorry if any trouble was caused. Had to buy a new moniter today...£100, thats what me rage cost me. Lesson learned.
Thanks for understanding guys.I aint got nothing against hackers an the like, but its not as if the site was some major thing it was just a run of the mill site, hack some big important place and get something out of it, from what i know u,s are very intelligent people, dont waste it on small sites like ours. Or have i missed something........
thanks for the comments guys it was a bit of a "nuasance" to say the least - i missed the original post so i cant comment on that other than the fact that it couldnt have been any worse than what i was saying myself. he shouldnt really have put it on here but lay off the guy a little. swear words have become a common part of the english language nowadays, i myself dont find them offensive but it is quite obvious some ppl do. anyways see ya all laters RavenLife p.s i gave sudds a telling off