(sorta) Poll: What other video/audio/console/DVD forums and sites you use?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by dRD, Nov 1, 2005.

  1. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

    Jun 10, 1999
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    The title says it all. Basically we'd be interested to know what other discussion forums and/or websites you use that (at least vaguely, sites talking about music or movies will do as well even if they wont focus on backing up them :) operate within the niche that AfterDawn.com covers -- basically, DVDs, MP3s, P2P, consoles?

    Additionally, we'd love to hear what nifty ideas each site has why you like them so much, or in case of forums, is it simply the content and the users who make the place, or does the forum software have something we could learn from?

    Yes, the idea is to get some fresh ideas and to know better how to serve our users, so feel free to post and kick others to post as well, we'd love to get tons of feedback here.
  2. zippyd

    zippyd Active member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    I'm a member of Zentarium which at the moment is preparing for a rebuild. It's an effort by some who were once big contributors here but don't care much for the evolution of the atmosphere here and the simple fact that any twit can reach addict in a couple of months or less without much effort at all. The atmosphere is quite laid back, nobody cares about post count or titles since most know each other from here. They also have DVD Hounds which I haven't joined yet.

    I'm not a member of, but do often find information I need on the Digital Digest forums (jmet,cythia). I think they have a great bit of info available like:
    which we just don't have here. They also have a neat feature that auto edits Nero serials so people don't accidentally put them in their posts.

    And then I help on another small(I mean tiny) forum which is a bit challenging, since we don't allow the freedoms that AD does in regards to discussing copy protections due to prior correspondence from the people at Macrovision.

    Basically, it's all about atmosphere, not a strong point of this forum in my humble opinion. (Had to delete a couple of paragraphs here to keep this post from being a rant instead of feedback.)

    Last edited: Nov 2, 2005
  3. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Hello drD: This is the finest forum that I have seen. I spend a little time at the small forum that zippyd posted and also cdfreaks,but not even 1% compared to the time I spend here. AD has everything covered,with the exception of GPS,LOL. I gotta use GPS to find my fishing spots.

    This is an awesome site,hard to improve something is is near flawless. Keep up the good work.

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