I captured a family movie from mini DV to MPEG 1 with Pinnacle Studio. I've done it several times before with no trouble. However, this time, I had Pinnacle create chapters and a menu and burned the movie to a DVD+R. On the disc, the sound and video don't match up.
It would prolly be a better idea to capture as mpeg2 with a bitrate close to what you'll use on a DVD. Maybe 8000 kbit/sec. I don't mess much with menus so I try to use simple software. I have Pinnacle Studio but I pretty much just use it for capture then do stuff with other video software. One easy way is to use TMPGEnc Plus to convert it to DVD. If you check the output file option to output separate audio and video files instead of one .mpg file, then you can use DVDAuthorGUI freeware to author the DVD. Doing chapter points is very easy. Menus I don't use, but I know there are guides for DVDAuthorGUI that show how to do simple menus(as in no animation.) It's one way to go.
Thanks for the help. I don't think my Pinnacle software gives the option to capture as MPEG 2. I think it only has MPEG1 and AVI
i am having the same problem...the video comes out good but the voice is behind everything else......any suggestions? I am only using tmpge plus 2.5 and trying to convert an AVI file..
gof, in my Pinnacle Studio SE 9.4.2 in Setup menu Capture Settings with MPEG selected it gives a dropdown list of various qualities that correspond to VCD, SVCD and DVD. But maybe you have a different edition or version I dunno'. AFA the audio sync problem converting .avi to dvd or mpg it's often a function of the framerate. Drop your input video on AviCodec freeware and it will show framerate, aspect ratio, audio and video codecs etc.. If you convert an .avi with a framerate of say 25 or lower to NTSC with a 29.97 framerate, the audio will be out of sync unless you do some other tweaks. Search this site for "PAL TO NTSC" and you should find long threads with many methods to convert video and keep the audio in sync. Way too many for me to summarize here. As for Pinnacle Studio converting mpeg1 to mpeg2 and getting audio out of sync I don't understand that. Maybe post your stats as given by AviCodec freeware for the mpeg1 you captured and somebody will see something.
You should check around what's available because VCD is kinda' low bitrate to do much with. It looks ok if you just burn as a VCD but if you try to do anything with the video you're losing a lot of information. Even if you could save as .avi instead from what I've been told divx or xvid at the same bitrate has more video info in the file than mpeg. I often take divx files with say a bitrate of 1600 or 1700 and convert them to DVD to watch just 'cause they look really good once converted. Other people here could give you more detailed info of the whys and hows but I just know from doing it that divx converts to dvd better than mpg at the same bitrate, so you might give it a try.