For some reason, every time I leave my Laptop for a while the sound stops working. I keep my laptop on constantly an plugged into the wall like you would a PC (this isn't bad for it is it?) and within the space of a few hours of not using it, the sound disappears. The volume is on full and yet nothing comes out. The only way to get it to work again is to restart the computer. Does n e 1 know what the problem is? Because it's getting really annoying now.
what windows are you using on laptop & how much ram in system. the longer a pc is left on the free resources start dropping til you go & do something it doesn't work until you restart computer. a friend found that out when he tried to print something all he got was a bunch of pages with garbage across the top, but when restart it printed properly. his free resources before restart was 63% & after was about 80%. now leaving the computer on all the time i don't go for as waste of electricity, could be damaged or destroyed in thunderstorm & if on cable modem once pc is into windows your on the net without clicking internet explorer which means a hacker can attack your computer & you'll not know about it til to late
i'm using windows XP, and i think i got either 128 or 256 RAM. that makes sense actually, that theres too much going on it can't handle it all. is there any way to stop some things running so i can get sound back WITHOUT having to restart? coz its a royal pain in the arse. like ending some processes in task manager? coz theres a huge list full of stuff idk what it is there. cheers
you can do that in task manager but check with msconfig & see what is in startup. are you using kazaa???
no i aint got kazaa. i use bit torrent. what's msconfig? and how do i check it? I tried closing a few things in task manager but nothing happened. most of the stuff was SYSTEM and I didnt think they were okay to stop coz they're needed to run the computer (correct me if i'm wrong her plz).
no i aint got kazaa. i use bit torrent. what's msconfig? and how do i check it? I tried closing a few things in task manager but nothing happened. most of the stuff was SYSTEM and I didnt think they were okay to stop coz they're needed to run the computer (correct me if i'm wrong here plz).
goto run & type msconfig enter than click startup tab but note any changes you do as you could screwup windows
Taking the checkouts out of MSCONFIG - Startup Tab wont stuff up windows. All this is, is programs that start up with windows, not windows stuff. Few things to try.. Download, install, update and run the following programs. Ad-aware SE Personal - Spybot - Search and Destroy - Give an online virus scan ahgo - I have never heard of sound going because a comptuer is left on for so long. CJC