I am trying to play a vcd on a stand alone dvd player it is able to play vcds but some i try to play the sound is distorted. I know its only me because i know of other people who have had no problems playing the exact same vcd. Can anybody help.
It may have been a glitch when you burnt it. Does it happen at the same point on all your fault VCD disks?
no its from start to finish on any that it happens to but i have lent others off friends and they have no problem with them yet i do.
Have you tried another brand of disk? What speed are you burning at? What make of disks are you using at present?
I have only tried the one brand i dont really burn much so i just usually get them from asda supermarket. I am burning at 16x at least.
I have also been looking around an read somewhere that if you use video leads (red, white and yellow) you remove one of the colours and this sorts the problem but i don't know if this is right or not. I don't use video leads just a normal scart but was thinking of getting some to try it out. Will try some new disks though thanks.
just fixed it found a button on my dvd player remote (audio mode) changes it to mono this sorts the sound out don't know why but it works. Thanks for your help.