downloaded a movie and picture and sound is fine when played through VLC.converted it using VSOdivx to DVD burnt with nero and now sound is out of sync when played back on DVD anyone know what problem might be?
the problem is when it is burned the majority of dvds play fine when i convert with VSO just having this problem with the odd few
I have had sync problems when transcoding with Nero (especially PAL to NTSC), but haven't seen any trouble caused by the actual burning of the disk. You could try burning with ImgBurn - drawback is that you don't get to create a menu. Run ImgBurn Click 'Mode' > 'Build' Click 'Output' > 'Device' Click 'File' > 'Browse for Folder', highlight on the 'VIDEO_TS' folder, > 'OK' Set burning speed to 4x and click the green write button. .
ConvertXtoDVD has an option to allow you to speed up your audio and slow down your audio, whichever the case may be. I'm not sure if the free version has this feature or not, my guess is not. You might try a different tool all together such as DVD Flick which is another freebie.