So I've been trying to rip the Usual Suspects for quite some time now. Took me long enough to figure out what to set my 4:3 resolution to (which by the way, 640 x 512 turned out quite nicely cropped) and now the sound is really giving me a hell of a time. Even though it is only AC3 2.0 192Kbps, I wanted to give it a try, because I heard the quality is better than mp3. Now here is where the problem arises: every time I mux the avi with the ac3 using 3 different programs(Avi-Mux, Nandub, and the VirtualDubMod) the sound has strange clicks to it. Now I thought the problem might be with my rip, but I decoded the AC3 to wav, and no clicks at all. So then I thought it might be the muxing. Put the wav together with the Video AVI and no clicks. So now I have no idea what to do. Do I just give up on AC3? Any help would be much appreciated so I can finally be done with this.
Well I gave up on the usual suspects and ended up just encoding the ac3 to mp3-wav using besweet since it was only 2 channel anyway. Now I encoded braveheart, went to use the 5.1 audio, and sure enough I can hear the damn clicks again. Please someone out there help me. I can't be the only one with this problem.