
Discussion in 'All other topics' started by alexTM, Nov 7, 2005.

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  1. alexTM

    alexTM Guest

    How can you earn by internet?

    You can transform your life! It has already transformed my life. I discovered a article it in a forum and decided to use it.

    How you can get money in the internet.

    Reading it you can change your life! It`s changed my life. I saw it in a forum and decided to try.

    In that moment I thought that it`s another case to make a fool of oneself and loose money, but decided to read and know what am I suggested.
    It was wrote that it`s offered to transfer for 1$ to 6 down wrote WMZ purses.

    Then you should to delete the first purse from the list to translocate the list up for one stitch and make free the sixth stitch, in which you should write down number of your own WMZ purse. Then you should place report with your WMZ purses on 200 different forums.

    No trick. So I decided to try.
    And guess what!!!!!!!!!!!
    For 7 days on purse began to come money! I was shocked!! And I thought that it`s end but...

    In first week I`ve got 25$, in second week I had more than 1000$...
    In third week I`ve got 10 000$...!!!.
    Now it is the fourth week and I have 42 000 $ and sum is growing very fast.
    And all this only for 6$!!!
    I was in very bad financial position till my reading this article.

    And now I`ll tell you how does it work and what is important why!

    I promise you`ll get money without working if you will conform to the instruction.
    Suggesting: Read it again!!!
    Conform to the instruction and you`ll get money.
    It`s so simple!!!
    It`s legally. And your investment is 6$...

    It is important: It is not deception and it is legally. And it is no risk. It really works!!!
    Note: Conform to the instruction and 50 000$ and even more will be your for 20-60 days.

    Here is 3 steps to success:
    1. If at you is not present 6 WMZ, you should be registered in system WebMoney Transfer, which is located on
    You should make the acquaintance of this system, how does it work, choose the optimal variant for your getting money from page, pay in 6$ on your purse.

    2.Then send 6 $ on following WMZ purses (in everyone on 1 $):

    1. Z111556247867
    2. Z148149631471
    3. Z169691006640
    4. Z256240686206
    5. Z298082397871
    6. Z146266891028

    After that remove the first number, thus make the list one line higher.(6 got 5, 5 - 4).
    End enter your WMZ purse number in 6-th line.
    3. You can use any variant but hold basic concept. Put this article in more than 200 forums and News Groups.
    Remember : more articles ? more money you can earn, end all will be depending on you.
    This business continues to exist and prosper only due to honesty and gravity of participants.
    So when you reach the first position you will have thousands dollars simply as the founder of the list!
    It costs only 6 $ and absolutely simple work!!!!!!!!

    This is for pessimists:
    What if nobody will pay me??? Never mind!!! Every day there are appearing from 20000 to 50000 new users in Internet.
    And a lot of them will want to try !!!

    And the last one:
    Here is great axiom: to get something you should give something, and to get something more you should give more!

    Try and make sure.

    Good luck!!!
  2. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    you split your money with me and i'll try it. die spammer die
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