Specific question, need help!!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by wsmunch, Sep 30, 2004.

  1. wsmunch

    wsmunch Member

    Sep 26, 2004
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    - v1.0 xbox w/Thompson drive
    - Xenium Ice Solderless chip with the Xenium 2.0 OS.
    - EvoX M7 bios, EvoX 3935 Dash
    - TDK DVD+R, Staples CD-RW, Sony CD-RW, Memorex CD-R, HP DVD+RW

    Situation: Successfully flashed the bios to the chip with each of the discs listed above (yes each, going through trial & error right now for my problem). The Xenium OS can see each disc and recognize the information burned onto the discs. I've created a dashboard boot disc with each of the listed discs, but when I put in the disc and launch the M7 bios, the xbox comes to that screen that says it doens't recognize the disc. I've done what the tuts say about creating the dash boot disc (getting the evox.xbe, renaming to default.xbe, taking that and evox.ini and a filler file and creating an ISO), I've used both Craxtion and Qwix to create the ISO, and I have tried both DVD Decrypter and Nero to burn the ISO (burned slowest speeds and all). Did all the combinations with everything. The xbox still won't use the boot disc when I launch the M7. I even tried an auto-installer (on each type disc) and that won't be read either. So I think it's the media.

    But if the xbox will read the information on the discs to flash the M7 bios, shouldn't it also read the disc when being used as the dash boot?

    I'm going to go out and buy/try different brand discs but any and all help would be appreciated!
  2. backyboy

    backyboy Member

    Apr 18, 2004
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    Have you tried dvd-/+r s before or even cdr s. My xbox reads them fine but friends wont even acknowledge that theres a disk in there.

    Try different media, if not you might have to change dvd drive.

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