I purchased a Speck Toughskin 1 month ago. Just yesterday i take my case of to inspect and to get off any dust that may have appeared. I take it off and there is sticky residue all over my iPod. It would not come off with eanything. I have't tryed any of the cleaners made for the ipod though. but i have no idea how to get it off. If you have any advice or this has happened to you please tell me what to do. Thanks Tech_Nyne
Why don't you try removing it by putting a tad of Goo Gone on a soft micro fiber cloth, it's worth a try.
I've always put BRASSO on mine.. I had the same problem just not with this case.. I just use Brasso I put the top of the bottle on a cloth any cloth then I dab it where the residue was and I let it dry and it came off after I let it dry and cleaned it with another one. BRASSO also lets you get scratches off of my ipod. Although they can't be deep. I have a deep one and it dosn't come off with the adheseave.. Anyways. Here's your isshhh