Hey guys, I've been messing with ripping, compressing and burning for a few weeks. had no real problems. Rip with dvd decrypter (if shrink has probs) Compress with dvd shrink Burn with nero The only problem i have is with speed!!! dvd drcryper rips at 1.6x (with my burner or rom), is that right? somepeople boast of 6x ripping ?!?!?. and nero will only burn at 2x. it says 4x but takes the same time as 2x. have tried 3 different types of media I have the pioneer 106 with latest firmware. help.... please
both of your dvd rom and dvd burner must be in DMA mode to achieve the maximum speed, also this applys to dvdshrink, decryptor, as dvdcopyplatinum only reads and burns at there speed, not your decision. hope this helps
The 106 (in common with most writers) is firmware locked to a maximum ripping speed of 2x. You can use hacked firmware to rip at maxumium speed. However it sounds like your devices are all running in PIO mode anyway, so you need to sort that out first.
Excellent!!! thanking you both now in DMA mode my writer is now doing 2x rip. like you said its locked. my reader is doing about 4x. so there has already been a huge increase if i hacked my 106 would be expected to perform better than my reader?
left saw it ripping at 7.1x so thats mega fast compared with my 1.6x lol think i will not bother hacking the 106 then as i can't see it exceeding that speed thanks guys
It will rip faster towards the end of the disc (hence the increase you saw) Hacked 106 will rip at the same speed as the ROM drive. But better to use the ROM as it saves wear and tear on the writer.