Speed Recording? Less Quality at different speeds?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by cocorubs, Jan 1, 2004.

  1. cocorubs

    cocorubs Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    I have a Sony RDR-GX7 DVD Recorder.

    The Speeds at which I can record are: 60 mins, 90 mins, 120 mins, 180 mins, 240 mins, and 360 mins.

    First I want to record a program off of TV at 180 min recording speed onto a -RW disc. I want to edit out the commercials.

    Second, take out the DVD -RW out and put it in a DVD player, and record it to a DVD -R which is in my DVD Recorder. If I do record from the DVD -RW to the DVD -R at the 180 mins, will it decrease the quality of the picture even more?

    Or if you record from DVD - DVD will you keep losing quality or not?

    1 more thing. Does it make that much of difference on the recording speeds? 180 minutes is standard on the Sony RDR-GX7, what's a good quality if I don't have to record on 60 mins? Is 180 just as good as 90? Quality-Wise?

    Thanks for any thoughts on the matter
  2. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Every time you record from one source to another quality is lost, but in this case it should not be noticable.


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