Is there any way to speed up the set DVD write speed for a DVD Burner? Basically, I upgraded my laptop dvd burner's firmware. I have a Matshita DVD-RAM UJ-845S that came built-in with my Toshiba Qosmio G25 laptop when I bought it. The drive started acting up, and giving bad burns, so I decided to look for a firmware upgrade. I found one, it was called D101. The firmware I had was D100. So applied the firmware and now my burner only writes at a max of 2X write speed for both DVD+/-R/RW when it used to be capable of writing up to 8X for both formats. Is there any way to fix this? I know I can't undo the firmware, so I thought a speed hack might work, but I don't know how. Any help would be great because I really don't want to spend $100 on a new laptop drive. Thank You!!!
I tried searching and I found some programs but none of them seem to be compatable with my drive. Please HELP!!!
i would be interested to hear how this came out. I have a uj-845S as well with firmware version D100. I have never updated firmware and my burner only seems to work at 2X nothing more on dvd's. it's already slow, maydbe i should apply firmware...
Well if you're already burning at 2x then you have nothing to lose. I went from 8x to 2x because of the firmware update.