I Installed my spider chip V1.1 perfectly, but when i flashed it with Evox M8 Plus V16 (256k, it flashed it, now whenever i turn it on it turns on and off, and then just stays with a black screen, and flashes red and green. Can anyone Help Me?
I hope you have a version 1.6 Xbox. If not, you should have flashed it w/ the X2 4981.06 bios (256k). Flashing it w/ the wrong bios will give you fragging. So let me know!
Hmm, well I would possibly try soldering your modchip in, to assure you're getting a quality connection. Before you do anything, I would go onto http://xbox-scene.com and ask a question on there about it. A guy named Chancer and Hackdabox will most definitely be able to assist you further than most people.