
Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by siht, Jun 13, 2005.

  1. siht

    siht Guest

    Who has the XBox 1.6b that has the spider 1.1 working ?mine turns on twice then stays off.when I push down on the chip a red light comes on then nothing.
  2. siht

    siht Guest

    nobody has put a spider chip in a v1.6b?I need some help my XBOX is in peices with this spiuder chip that isnt woth beans!
  3. mdsup

    mdsup Guest

    you are correct, the spiderchip is a piece of shit...sounds like you chip is not sitting properly, keep messing with it until it boots to the spider flash screen.
  4. siht

    siht Guest

    I jiggled I puled it prety much messed with it for one whole day and dident get any place .
  5. siht

    siht Guest

    I think I killed the box. took spiderchip out to solder a wire back on put itback in turned it on and nothing not even blinking lights.some body please help!
  6. hazmat22

    hazmat22 Member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    I installed a spider chip v1.1 yesterday onto a v1.6, not 100% sure if it's a 1.6b though. I got the christmas lights at first, but it turned out the A wire had come undone by the time i had the other 4 in, and when i put it back in, it worked fine. Needless to say i fucked up flashing, but it installed fine and i was able to access the cromwell bios.
  7. tyche7

    tyche7 Member

    Feb 28, 2005
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    I HAVE done (successfully) a spider chip 1.1 on a 1.6b Xbox. It was a b*tch though. My main problem was getting the chip to sit right on the xbox to get it to boot. Stupid thing would stay down far enough to have everything connecting right to boot. I'd check that first (see posts about using a different washer, screw, etc)

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