Hi, gamer here, and it watched the first 10 minutes of the arwards show, and it was garbage. I mean come on, the first award was for the Best apperance by a Human Female. WTF, give me a break, all she did was talk into a can. She didnt even say thanks to the geeks/games who freaking made her into the game. She doesn no anything about games. Nobody there did, all the audience came was to see celebs at a cheap price couse the tickets must have been a buck. This is the worst awards show ever. Im guessing only about 10% of the people in there build games, the rest dont even own a game console that has been played for more than 25Hours. SpikeTV Sucks
Well I actually watched the whole thing, and I thought it was pretty good. How can you think you know everything that happened, and accurately criticize it if you only watched the first ten minutes? And of course they're going to give an award for the best human female when there were a bunch of celebs playing them. um, yeah she did. she thanked peter chung, the guy who invented aeon flux, along with all the gaming companies that developed the game, and all the fans for playing the game.
but this awards show sucks, spikeTV sucks they dont know video games and my god the only games they had were games released in the past few months. They dont know video games, get the geeks/gamers there. I dont wanna c no idiot rapper who doesnt know anything but how to smoke and ryhm
not gonna argue with you about that, I hate 50 cent, and he definately did not belong at a video game awards, I don't care if he has his own stupid game or not
They need the hardcore gamers there, not no rappers who say they play games, these rappers are almost i dare to say "Gamer Posers"