ongelmana on kohta jossa tullaan hissillä alakertaan,siellä on kolme äijää.kaksi vartiaa ja yksi äijä tietsikalla. kun nappaan sen yhen tietsikkaäijän syleilyyn,juttelen mukavia ja sitten se käyttää sitä tietsikkaa,jolloin sukellusvene nousee vedestä.tapan tai en niin en pääse eteenpäin.kuinka se kohta pitää mennä että sen yhden lukitun oven saa auki.toivottavasti joku osaa neuvoa,kun höylänny PARI kertaa jo sitä kohtaa.
Sen verran on aikaa kun olen peliä pelannut etten muista ratkaisua (paitsi että taisi tuottaa itsellekin silloin päänsärkyä), mutta käy täällä: Lyhyehkö mutta aika selvä walkthru joka toivottavasti auttaa. =)
Moi taas. luin ne ohjeet ja tein niinkuin sanottiin,mutta silti tulee heti hälytys kun kolkkaan sen kompuutteriukon. mitä hittoa tässä pitää tehdä.auttakaa...
Tässä kuvallisia ohjeita: Kolkkasitko nörtin heti ensimmäisen tietokoneen käyttökerran jälkeen? Kummassakin ohjeessa sanotaan, että hepun pitää vielä vahvistaa (jonnekin/jollekin) kaiken olevan ok ennen kuin siltä saa iskeä tajun kankaalle.
APUA! olen nyt tehnyt niin kuin noissa ohjeissa lukee.tappanut kaksi vartiaa piilottanut ne ja napannut nörtin.käyttänyt kerran tietsikkaa ja odotellut hetken jos toisenkin,ei tapahdu mitään.lopulta kun hermo menee kolkkaan sen nörtin.tehtävä peruuntuu.mitä V:::UA teen väärin tai jotain??????????
Mene WWW.GAMEFAQS.COM ja hae sieltä splinter cell 2 walkthrough mitä ei saa suomeks mutta sen verran varmaan ymmärrät englantia. (mistä mä tiedän vaikka osaisit hyvinkin?) Sieltä saa minkä tahansa pelin (melkein) läpipeluu ohjeet. Tuossa suora osoite? Eikös kakkonen ole pandora tomorrow? Loistava peli, yksi parhaita!
huhhuijaa,nyt kolmet ohjeet lukenut ja koittanut päästä.aina nörtin tapettuani tehtävä perutaan.olen koittanut käyttää tietsikkaa ja ollut käyttämättä.kun kolkkaan sen nörtin aina loppuu.vartijat oon tappanut ja ollut myös tappamatta.nyt kyllä on ihme juttu kun ei aukee.kiitoksia silti hyvistä vihjeistä,mutta lisää apua kyllä tässäkohdassa tarviin,hermo meneew.surku kun nää splintterit on niin hyviä,ei viitsis oikeen tähänkään lopettaa,että jos joku vielä jaksaa ja viitsii niin kyllä saa auttaa... )
Hmm... Ei muista, ei mutta tällaisen tekstinpätkän löysin koneeni kätköistä: (toivottavasti on edes oikea tehtävä) MISSION 6- Sub Pen, Indonesia ====================================================================================== Tips- 1. Again, pay attention to your light meter. For some reason the little lanterns that are so common on the Indonesian missions light up Sam, but not actually the screen. 2. Beware auto-snipers! 3. They don't explicitly say this, but when you actually get ON the sub, you can't kill anyone, and one alarm means mission over. 4. Again, they don't explicitly say this, but on the sub, you need to grab the colonel and force him to use the retinal scanner. The colonel is the dude with the red beret. 5. Once you reach the actual sub pen, almost all the lights are indestructable. My best- 6 guards KOed 1 technician KOed Part 1- Auto-snipers? Oh WONDERFUL! ----------------------------------- Yes. Auto-snipers. Just stay out of the light, and away from their laser sight, and you'll be fine. At the start, you'll notice one patroller in addition to the laser, and there's also an auto-turret behind the truck. Despite all this, it's a deceptively easy room. The grass does a great job of hiding you, the fire distracts the auto-gun, and it's dark. Feel free to shoot the soldier if you want. **METHOD A- The left Go left at the begining. At 1 or 2 clicks, you can generally make it with no trouble as the birds distract the enemy. Head on through the next two rooms, grabbing the can on the way. In the next area, you'll see another auto-sniper, and two guards. One patrols randomly but the other just stands there and smokes. The smoker needs to go elsewhere so we can get by. Shoot out the nearby lantern, and then huck your can into the far side of the area. Creep forward toward the exit, but don't go up on the elevated area right away. Sometimes one of the guards walks there. Eventually, they should both be on the far side looking away. Sneak through the corner. **METHOD B- The right Go ALL the way around in the grass to the right. Go around behind the truck, and then the tree. The auto-turret shoulnd't spot you. This can be done, but it takes a while as you can't move too quickly. In the next hall, you'll find a trip-wire to disarm. Keep going, to the room with two guards. These two are a bit more problematic from this side. Your best bet is to sneak into the back corner, and whistle, summoning the smoker. Evade and drop him. Now go back the other way around the fire and follow the patroller as walks toward the exit. Hop through when he goes back the other way. It is possible to do this without dropping the smoker, but if you're looking to go clean, use the left entrance. It's easier. The next room appears complex, but it really isn't. Just sneak through to the right. Make for the entrance to the little hut, then stick to the left-hand side inside it so you're not lit up. The guy in the next room is asleep, and then you can just sneak right to the gap between the building and the fence. Split-jump up to the window. I haven't found another way through here without killing most of the inhabitants. As you climb in through the window, you'll see a man watching TV. Be aware that attacking this guy, or the TV in anyway will cause an alarm. So let's not, eh? Drop off either side. Drop off into the corner behind the curtain, and you'll find a hidden hole in the wall behind you. It leads you outside, behind the boxes where a guard is taking aim at some cans and bottles. Just keep creeping, and use the Ninja Ballerina Turn at the last box. This will put you in a hut with a generator. You can turn it off, but this doesn't seem to accomplish anything but summon the guard we just bypassed. Wait for a bit, and Shooty McRifle will go sit down at the table with his back to you. You can then either sneak out and take him, or sneak straight to the auto-turret, then disable it, then go to the door. OR, you can sneak past him to the left, up the pole, and over to the hatch in the roof. You can also turn off the generator, but this doesn't seem to accomplish much. Anybody have any idea what the big open space BEHIND these huts is for? You can get there two different ways, and it serves no purpose at all. What the hork, Ubisoft? Part 2- Komodo Underground would be a good name for a band ---------------------------------------------------------- You'll find a medkit in the nearby closet if you need it. The next guard you'll see is seated at a desk, and there's another just through the double doors. He will eventually come out to look in the hall, but it takes him a jolly long time. You've got ample opportunity to whistle and evade/elbow the guy at the desk first. The sneakiest way through, however, is to wait until just as he's started to come out, and turn off the lights. He and the other guard will both walk over toward you, and you can slip between them and into the room. Go around the back and grab the technician. Force him to raise the sub, and wait a while until Sam forces him to radio the all-clear. Drag him into a dark corner and make him go night-night. Getting back out is a little trickier if you left the last two goons awake. Turn off the light at the door. Open the RIGHT door and whistle. This should attract the guard at the desk. Move over to the LEFT door, and sneak out as the guard walks inside. He should go to turn on the lights, and this is your cue to sneak down into the hall. The other guard should be standing here with his back to you. Turn out the lights here, too, and whistle by the light switch. Sneak past him as he comes to investigate. Ahead of you, you'll see a guard through a door. Wait until he starts to walk away, then turn out the light and slip out the door. You can move into the far corner so he can get to the door without bumping into you. He'll eventually go into the prior room to see what's up with the lights, and you can haul tail down the ramp. The little wall lights reveal you to the enemy very well, but don't actually provide any illumination. You should make it all the way to the Gondola before he returns, and by then you'll be too far away. Bad news; the enemies in the next section apparently have bad childhood gondola traumas, so even if you shoot out the light in it, they'll shoot at you. You can snipe them back, if you want (easiest to do in thermographics) or just hold tight and hope they miss. I've made it all the way to the other end unscathed, however, you'll still have to kill one guard when you land. Make your way down the stairs. Alternatively, send the gondola on its way and drop off the edge. Drop down to the cable below. When you eventually stop, wait up a bit. You'll see a nearby guard with a light on his hat, most likely staring straight at the cable you're about to drop to and slide on. Wait until he's stopped staring and has started walking in one direction or the other, then slide. You've made it to the other end and nobody's the wiser! There's a guard near the actual sub, but evading him is child's play. Just hang off the deck on the way to the sub, and climb up and enter it when he walk's away. Be advised that the top of the sub is a lot more well-lit than the actual illumination would seem to indicate.
Moi taas. ongelma vaan on ja pysyy.mikähän tässä on kun homma ei etene. Kiitos kaikille ketkä autoitte ja jos jotain tulee mieleen niin edelleen voi auttaa.
Tiedä sitten onko tästä hyötyä, mutta seuraavanlaista löytyi: 1-versio OBJECTIVE: RAISE THE SUBMARINE -Enter the elevator and select the DOWN option. -When the elevator stops, neutralize the two guards (use the Smoke Grenades) and enter the submarine command center. Grab the technician and interrogate him. -Make him use the computer to raise the submarine. DO NOT KNOCK HIM OUT YET! Wait for his conversation with his superior to finish before knocking him out. CHECKPOINT OBJECTIVE: INFILTRATE THE SUBMARINE -Exit the room and head for the submarine. Neutralize the guard on the walkway then use the trapdoor before the pulley. Use the zipline to the next metal walkway. CHECKPOINT DO NOT CLIMB UP! Shimmy all the way to the left to avoid being seen by the guard. NOW CLIMB UP. Head for the submarine entrance. -sama toisin sanoin: 2-versio A Technician will come in to investigate. Sneak up behind him and grab him. Interrogate him and drag the Technician all the way to the main control panel looking out over the Submarine. Take him to the computer screen and have him use the computer to raise the sub. If you're having trouble, be sure to hold down the "Interact" button then scroll to "Use Computer". Wait for him to tell the sub operator that nothing is wrong then knock him out. Exit out of the control room, and head right down the hallway. Go right again to the door that was previously jammed. It is now open. CHECKPOINT. -ja vielä kerran: 3-versio Go up to the two automatic doors and enter through the one on the left. To grab the technician so he can’t sound an alarm, turn off the lights at the switch to the left. When he comes to turn it back on, grab him and interrogate him. Hey, he speaks English! Great! Sam tells the guy to raise the sub and he says he will. [bold]Move the technician to the far side of the room where the long plate glass window reveals a sub berth. Somewhere on the lefthand side of that long series of controlpanels a “Use Computer” option will be added to the Interact window. Select it and Sam will hold his gun to the back of the technicians head while he hits the buttons that raise the sub. IMPORTANT!!!!! DO NOT KNOCK OUT THIS TECHNICIAN YET. It takes awhile for the sub to come up and after it does, there will be a ten second pause and then some irate thug from inside the sub radios the control room and demands to know why the sub has been raised early and threatens to sound an alarm if they don’t get an immediate response.[/bold] So if you knocked the technician out already, you are honestly and truly screwed. If the tech is still awake, Sam can ‘convince’ him to radio the sub and allay their concerns with a fake story about a bad ballast tank. As soon as the terrorist in the sub threatens to sound an alarm, look for the ‘Interrogate’ window to pop back up. As soon as it does, press the ‘A’ button and the technician will lie his ass off hoping to avoid a bullet in the ear. Toivottavasti pääset vihdoinkin eteenpäin.
Ilmoittele ihmeessä miten peli menee, tässähän alkaa jo kiinnostamaan vähän niinkuin jotain nyrkkeilytuloksia tai rallia seurais..
yes. nyt peli jatkuu.minä hölmö olin aina siellä ylhäällä maanpinnalla ilmeisesti sammuttanut sen v...n radion!!!!. tai ainakin nyt en koskenut siihen yhteen katkasiaan ja nyt homma etenee. KIITOS kaikille vielä kerran.pistän taas jotain kun loppuu tai jotain...