its actually easier to softmod ur xbox the agent under fire method (make sure its NOT platinum edition). go to pc database under action replay (any kind) and then agent under fire and there will be a file called BOND:ALL. then u have to download WinRar (there is a free trial type it in google or askjeeves) and run the agent under fire file through WinRar to decompress it. here is a link to a video further expalaining it and if u have anymore questions just ask me (by the way do not format any of ur folders or change the name of a folder) i did now my xbox is really screwed up and i got error 13 + 21 if anyone could help it would be great just send me a private message oh yeah by the way here is the link...
no actually mechassault is prob one of the easiest. but yeh there are tons of places you can get SC linux file. you can most likely get one off of AR if i find one i will post a link.