Splinter Cell

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by acecman, May 10, 2003.

  1. acecman

    acecman Member

    Jul 2, 2002
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    I have an NEC NR-7800a CD-RW Burner that is 2 sheep capable.

    I am relatively new to the game burning process and I have downloaded the 3-cd Splinter Cell bin/cue set from a p2p program.

    I attempted to burn the CDs using Alcohol 120% and Safedisc 2 copy protection and got a disc error while installing the program on Disc 2. "Compnent Transfer Error: Sounds, Common Stream Files, D:\sounds\Maps.SM0, Data Error: Cyclic Redundency Check"

    Disc 1 installs fine, it is only with Disc 2. Any suggestions on what I should do?
  2. mohame

    mohame Guest

    hi there, me 2 i downloaded splinter cell 3 cds bin/cue. and me 2 i wasted a disc i had same error but on disk one. so what i did is first open alchol then choose "image finder" find the cd1 then click on it it will appear behind 2) mount the image by right clicking choose a virtual device. 3) install the game DONT NOT CLOSE ALCOHOL WHILE INSTALLING. then when it ask's you for cd2 do the same operation Unmount the CD1 then MOUNT the CD2 and same operation with the third CD. Ull need a no cd crack to get it work when u get thr crack put it on PROGRAMFILES/UBI/SPLINTERCELL/SYSTEM it will ask you to replace and choose " Yes to all " then launch and enjoy the game!
  3. acecman

    acecman Member

    Jul 2, 2002
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    Thanks for the advice. I tried it the mounting but got the same error again. After doing this (and I assume mounting is the 100% way to use a bin file by avoiding any copying errors) I can only suspect that the downloaded section of Disc 2 is corrupted.

    Thanks. Any other advice (other than to download it again which I will be doing) will be appreciated.
  4. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    When the words "2 sheep burner" are mentioned, this refers to EFM encoding (eight to fourteen modulation). Your NEC [bold] can only [/bold] write rgular bit patterns [bold] almost [/bold] correctly. A 2 sheep burner [bold] can write [/bold] regular bit patterns [bold] correctly [/bold]. You'll need emulation to play the backups m8. I've had great success using BlindWrite Suite, Alcohol 120, DiscDump\FireBurner backing up Safedisc cd protection. Splinter Cell (original) is Safedisc 2.8.x cd but when you update with the 1.02 patch, the cd protection scheme changes to Safedisc 2.9. This is causing troubles for those who own "2 sheep burners".

    Shoey :)
  5. mohame

    mohame Guest

    hey aceman i get an error while installing but it tells me to Abort Rety OR Ignore just choose ignore maybe some files will be missing but the game will work otherwise use CDimage check for the 3 CUEs for corruption then when u scan repair corrupted files and if there is only few file repaired ( did that to me) what i did is i chose all corrupted file then right click all the files and choose the "rebuild" thingy it will rebuild all corrupted files and ull no more have corruption in the image file. hope that works
  6. tvtv

    tvtv Guest

    Hello aceman,
    did you solve your problem?
    I've got the same on cd#2.
    an error in reading MAPS.SM0 ( CRC errror)
    Did you got it work? Please forward some tips to me!!
    Or should i reload the defect iso...
  7. soban

    soban Member

    Dec 7, 2002
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    ok i have same problem in splinter cell but in cd1. just to make things clearer i am using the image with the file sizes 541,553 and 658 MB.

    and i get error message while setup is installing data2.cab and the error window says that there is some redundacy error.
  8. mohame

    mohame Guest

    splinter cell cd's may have some probs but just "Ignore" them when error occurs it will tell u to "abort" "ignore" "retry"
    choose ignore.. and enjoy
  9. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    here my 2 penith!

    i had CRC cylic redundancy error and RETRY ABORT CANCEL so i read cds at 2x and burnt at 4x and all installed ok!

    had it on ravenshield v2.8! 2 sheepy burner..

  10. tikon

    tikon Guest

    My problem is diferent...
    I checked CD2 with ClonyXXL and it gave a BAD SECTOR protection.

    I used Daemon Tools to mount the 2 CDs, tried to intall but when It asks for CD2 I change drives it gives an error and stops.

    I tried to emulate a protection but I'm not sure wich one to use...
    so I tried them all and nothing worked.

    Any ideas?
    I'm a real noob as you can "see"! Read all the posts but the answer must be escaping me...

  11. slayer101

    slayer101 Member

    May 15, 2003
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    hey, does anyone know the meaning of this...

    History: FD3DTexture::Cache <- UD3DRenderDevice::CacheTexture <- UD3DRenderDevice:rimeResources <- UD3DRenderDevice::SetRes <- UWindowsViewport::TryRenderDevice <- UWindowsViewport:penWindow <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine

    I got this error when i tried to play the game.. i got the same Disc 2 error as the previous messages but i just ignored it.. but i can't play the game, so any suggestions/help will be greatly appreciated. thanks!
  12. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    @ slayer101

    your error:

    FD3DTexture::Cache <- UD3DRenderDevice::CacheTexture <- UD3DRenderDevice:rimeResources <- UD3DRenderDevice::SetRes <- UWindowsViewport::TryRenderDevice <- UWindowsViewport:penWindow <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine

    it looks very much GRAPHICS related? up date drivers maybe? reinstall drivers maybe?

    what card you useing?

    i think it will be some sort of settings on the graphics card? i have seen these my self, when the comper gets overloaded maybe?, not enough ram? the cpu isnt quite man enough? its something hard ware and setings?

    even could be the error you get loading is the drivers for picture display not being installed!

  13. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Bad Sectors= Safedisc cd protected m8. ClonyXXL needs updated and Safedisc 2.8.x that has "pre-gap" can be a nightmare to backup when trying to play the backup from your cdrw(without emulation). I found this out while backing up Command& Conquer Generals (CD 1).

    Shoey :)_X_X_X_X_X_[small]Certified Computer Technician
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    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2003
  14. soban

    soban Member

    Dec 7, 2002
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    do this and hopefully all the problems will be solved cause my did.

    install cdmage and then scan all of the image files with this. it will show some bad sectors in the image files. tell the prog to fix the problem or rebuild the sectors. after that use daemon to mount the image file and install them and click ignore if any problem shows up.

    install the crack and then oyu are ready to go.

    have fun
  15. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    I welcome any posts that a member replies to, but in this case this really doesn't help on how to backup Splinter Cell "correctly". I "could" reply to all posts that deal with cd protection (Safedisc& SecuROM) by telling them to go to game********* and tell them to grab a no ** ***** and case solved. If you wanna backup the latest Safedisc& Securom the 'right" way, then purchase an Lite-ON LTR 52x burner. Internet downloads= a different scenerio.

    Shoey :)
  16. tikon

    tikon Guest


    I tried it... but it gives the same error/Crash - when changing CDs. Thanks all the same!

    This is internet download... and it's now a matter of honor ;) to learn how to do it.
    I'm such a n00b on this, it hurts! LOL

    Thanks everyone for making this site such a good "school".


  17. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Your best route is to go to game****w*o*l*d and grab a "you know what for Splinter Cell.

    Shoey :)
  18. PLC

    PLC Member

    Jun 15, 2003
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    I got the 3 splinter cell files and when i try to install CD2.Bin.exe with alcohol 120% i get a popup message named "Question" i can't ignore it because it only gives me options to YES or NO and the message reads; Delete all configuration and saved game files? (answering Yes will delete the Splinter Cell install folder and all its contents) either way i choose it will close the installation. now here is how i try to install it; first i click on Easy Mounting from drive F: and click mount and find the CD1.BIN.EXE file and install it successfully, when it ask for CD2.BIN.EXE i unmount CD1.BIN.EXE from drive F: and mount CD2.BIN.exe and it almost installs until i get the message i mentioned above. any ideas?? if so, please post back. also, do i really need CD3.bin.exe if i install the game with alcohol 120%??

    Thx and take care
  19. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    hello all

    I have just made a succesful backup of SPLINTER CELL! safedisc v2.8 encrption!

    i used blindwrite v4.4b

    read and wrote at FULL speed on a liteon 52x burner. settings used was authorize the use of alternative read method! and wrote on nibble! DAO PW...

    now without AUTOPLAY embedded in the disc 3 i can play it in my samsung cd/dvd player and NOT in the 2 burners i have! but WITH autoplay embeded i can play in all 3 drives with blindwrite suite loaded for the emulation!

    thx all

    SHOEY - DONT LEAVE! but i understand your plight! i have 4 children! and a big THANK YOU DUDE as if not for you the game i just copied would not exist! all the best to you friend! live long and prosper!_X_X_X_X_X_[small]XP 1700 TBred [Fan 28-Idle/32-Load/23M] [o/c 2004mhz = 12X167/33 = FSB-334mhz]
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    DX9/CAT-3.1 VIA 4in1 Hyperion v445]
    XMS Corsair Platinum pc3500 512meg[/small]
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2003
  20. Shoey

    Shoey Guest

    Did you use emulation [bold] before [/bold] you mounted the 3 files to install\play Splinter Cell? Go to emulation and check "ignore media type& bad sector emulation" then mount all 3 images and try to install\play.

    I'm not going anywhere good buddy. Good to hear you got working backups of Safedisc 2.7 using BlindWrite Suite m8. I like my Alcohol for Safedisc and BlindWrite Suite for SecuROM 4.8.3

    Shoey :)

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