Just a question about splitting and joining AVIs. After encoding a movie I split it to 2 cds for storage. When I want to watch it I join it back together on my HDD. Both processes are done using NANODUB. However the joined file is larger than the original that I split. (I noticed this during a test split and join). Is this normal ?
Well if its only a few mb's then thats ok but if its a lot then something strange did happen!! If its a big difference then make sure you set video to direct stream copy!!
I have a movie split into two avi files the first will fit onto a 80 min VCD with some space to spare. The second is too big to fit onto an 80 min VCD but if I join the 2 and then separarte them in the middle I should be able to get the file on 2 VCD's. How do you recommend joining avi files before encoding using TMPGE? Thanks
It would be easier to encode first and then split but if you must join the avi's and split them you can use VirtualDUB!!