spliting my drive

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by Stillme, Apr 19, 2007.

  1. Stillme

    Stillme Guest

    I have a new 200 gig hard but when installed it only reads 137 I would like to have two one hundred drives. How do I go about spliting tthis drive into two drives. can anyone tell me how to do this. thanks
  2. sjb007

    sjb007 Member

    Mar 10, 2007
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    Howdy there, you havnt stated what your system specs are so im guessing here that you have windows XP installed without the SP2 Service pack. Earlier versions of XP are restricted to a max of 137gb Drive. Updating to SP2 should cure this problem.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2007
  3. Stillme

    Stillme Guest

    do you know were I can get windows 2000 service paks from? Thiswould help me out a lot.
  4. Morph416

    Morph416 Active member

    Jan 14, 2004
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  5. Stillme

    Stillme Guest

    I have install win xp with sp2 and still my drive reads 137 instead of 200 in my control panel. i need to fix this problem, can anyone tell me how do I change my drive to read the 200 gig drive that is installed. Thanks
  6. Rejected5

    Rejected5 Member

    May 15, 2007
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    to split the drive, boot windows from the CD and go through, but in the middle of the installation, it will ask you which drive to install on, you just highlight the drive and press d then enter to delete the partion(this removes all the data) then press C and assign 100gb and press enter, then you will See (Drive C: 100 Gb, then below it, Unpartioned space:100 gb) just press C and enter and there you go, and continue installing windows...

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