Preface: Just found this board, never posted here before. I have downloaded several vcd concerts that I would like to split up according to song (each track different lengths). First off, I asked on a different board and was informed that it wasnt the best thing to do. IS this true? If I shouldn't split it, is there a way I can make chapters or something? If it is acceptable to split it up, can I use TMPGEnc? Will that let me split it into tracks that are of different length? And will it still flow like a movie, or will there be gaps in between songs? I know it is alot of guestions, but if any could be answered, I would appreciate it, thanks.
There's really nothing wrong with splitting mpegs. There are several programs that can peform this. However if you want to stick with TMPGEnc, go to the file menu and select "MPEG Tools">"Merge and Cut" and add the file you want to split. Then click the edit button and move the time indicators to reflect the start and finish times. Another thing, assuming you are using Nero to burn to VCD, make sure you name them in the order you want them to play(01.mpg, 02.mpg and so on). Lastly, when you have all of the mpegs added to your VCD compilation(again, assuming you are using Nero), right click and select properties for all of the files except the last one and set the pause to 0 seconds. There might still be a slight pause between files but not nearly as bad as the default 5 seconds.
I did that, but somehow I did it so it had to be reconverted and the quality suffered. I am going to try it again without changing the file type. I got the 1 second skip, but I can deal with that i guess. I might even put it as 1 second and see how it looks. The only problem I had was that it would the fastforward/rewind and skip forward/skip back didn't work in certain spots. Any way to fix this? Or, is there a better program to use? Any help is appreciated, thanks.
I don't know why reconverting even came into play. What I suggested didn't involve any converting or encoding. As for the skip and search problems you had, I suspect it's an issue with your player. You might want to try burning at a slower speed. The only other program I would reccoemend for burning and creating discs is VCDEasy but the current version is no longer freeware.
When you are editing in Tmpgenc you have to make sure that the Drop down menu is set to "Video-CD" or "Video-CD Non-Standard" cuz if you keep it set at "Mpeg1" there will not be the correct VCD headers added to the File so it will not be VCD Compliant...
teegee - i had done it before you posted, but I looked over your advice and I will try it again. This time I will not convert it when splitting up the tracks. And I burned it at the lowest setting (4x). Is there a program that will make the sections have a gap in between them? Also, is there anything I can do to get better quality out of the video? I figure I will just play around with it until I get what I want.