Hi Guys Just tried using sportster 1.08uk that I downloaded from their site but unfortunately no channels.Does anybody have a copy of the 1.08x2 that they could post for me,also interested in trying the new 1.10x2 if possible as well.Thanks in advance. Chaggy.
ok what model nokia or sagem. your location and your provider of cable.have you tried a bruteforce scan
Hi Guys The model is a sagem an no I'm not sure whether it.s uk modded or not that's why I wanted to try another but nobody seems to have it at the moment. Chaggy.
you need to find out whether its 1 flash chip or 2.in order to flash your dbox 2 with the correct software. what area are you in and what porvider telewest or ntl
i have a copy at http://techno-source.co.uk/phpbb , its in the downloads section of the dbox. Both 1x and 2x images are available. Tested, and fully uk modded.
hello tam2005 do you know how i can get the modded sportster you have. i have registered with tecno source but it isnt sending me an email to activate my account so i cant download it. thanks
What is your user name?, i can activate it if you are above 13?. You also can register again clicking abover 13 for speed.
There you go m8, i have activated your account. Your username and pass will still be the same. Hope to see you around soon.
hi tam, u seem to be the person in the know, any chance i can pick ur brain? All my channels have gone!.had the box for 2 years and irs been fine until now... I have a sagem dbox with sporster.. I have done a fast scan but got nothing. done a slow scan but no good,is there something im missing. the free channels are working and the pay channels are there but just a blank screen when i go to view them. any help would be great.cheers
Hello All, i just picked up a dbox 2, however its super slow, and no channels appear. I would like to reboot it, however i am having problems finding anything to download and install, can anyone help? Ihear that spartster is good, however i can not find this anywhere.. any help would be appreciated.