spyware starts when comp starts (keeps coming back!!!)

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by m4a1, Jun 29, 2004.

  1. m4a1

    m4a1 Member

    May 9, 2003
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    whenever i start my computer and i scan with spybot and scan, it always finds this spyware called:

    +DSO Exploit 5 entries
    -data source exploit Registry Change

    any advice?
  2. m4a1

    m4a1 Member

    May 9, 2003
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    whenever i start my computer and i scan with spybot and scan, it always finds this spyware called:

    PROBLEM -------------------------KIND
    +DSO Exploit-------------------5 entries
    -data source--------exploit Registry Change

    any advice?
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2004
  3. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Uh.... click on "Fix Selected Problems"?
  4. Iverson3

    Iverson3 Guest

    HAHAHA lol thats a nice suggestion
  5. daletom

    daletom Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    Here is the last few weeks I have been having the same problem and I always click on fix selected problem. But it always comes back.I am running spy bot and adaware every day.I also have had my computer scanned at this site that Hewlett Packard suggested I use called Microtrend and it came up with three adware's that I can't seem to get removed,spybot &adaware does not pick these up. Any other suggestions would be helpful. Thanks
  6. Jay05

    Jay05 Regular member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    May I suggest that...
    get a virus program...

    Hoped this helped...
  7. daletom

    daletom Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    I have Norton Anti -Virus which is current with all live updates and virus defintions. I have been in contact with symantec(maker of nav). They seem to think something could be wrong with my browser. I am not sure of this my computer is not 2 months old. They want me to run soemthing called a EICAR test to make sure Norton is working correctly but that looks way over my head. Was just hoping I could just get a simple quick fix. But thanks for your help.
  8. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    Spyware bots are usually not picked up by any antivirus ! Dont blame your Norton or AVG for not stopping them cold.

    To remove any spyware :-

    Go to ==>:

    and get CWShredder ~~ while you are there also get
    HijackThis .

    1) run CWShredder -- reboot and see if your malware has been taken care of.

    2) if it is still there -- run Hijack this , save the log and post it on http://forums.spywareinfo.com/ , within minutes someone will reply with the proper sequence to cure your PC. -- It could be me or one of the 100's of benevolent helping there. ~~smiles !
  9. -LoNeR-

    -LoNeR- Active member

    Dec 29, 2003
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    someones found a flaw in norton... big security hole in the program

    lol, they released a patch... wow

    but as to your problem if jeanc1's solution dident solve it,

    you can get two programs (trials, but they work)
    BPS Spyware Adware Remover

    they are the two best programs for spyware, malware etc etc etc

    they should solve your problem

    (maybe you could try McAfee afterwards) ;D

    post back

  10. Iverson3

    Iverson3 Guest

    Ok I use the beta version of Norton 2005 (YAY I GOT IT) and Webroot Spysweeper 3 (which is the newest version of both programs). They are pretty reliable I never have any Spyware on my computer any more I checked with some of the prorams you gave below and they also said no spyware so I would highly recommend these programs. (If you cant get 2005 just stick with the already out 2004 version).
  11. -LoNeR-

    -LoNeR- Active member

    Dec 29, 2003
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    ok, a few holes in your idea mate

    1. as you pointed out - the programs I/We suggested dident find them either so that does not necessarily say yours are better.

    2. personally i have used webroot spy-sweeper and find it Flaky at best.

    also youve said it yourself its a beta, very buggy - and it is still norton (eeuugghh) plus i doubt with it being a beta that it catches viruses or anything else for that matter.

    i said that above not below ;D

    Anyone can get that version, afterall it is a beta and its available for testing :D

    7. most people find norton (myself included) a CPU hog and a pain in the ass

    if those programs work for you, fine - thats your choice - but out of my personal experience i find BPS and Pestpatrol much better

    8. how is this helpfull to m4a1? (wherever the hell he is)
    shouldent you be suggesting cures/ideas to help him? afterall its his thread ;D

    [bold]WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU M4A1!!![/bold]

  12. daletom

    daletom Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    Appreciate the help. I have got big time trouble. I have run so many scans it's a wonder the computer is not wore out.I have not posted where Jeanc1 told me to yet. So much to read to make sure I do it right. I have downloaded the shredder its says system clean I have run the hijack but they say use some other things and I have one more to try then I think I am ready. The problem is I have run so many scans everyone says I have something different and none of them are the same. I am not against purchasing a good program but when all the ones I have tried gives me something new. Heck I would be buying at least five.
    I have used the trial version of Pest Patrol and yes it found something different also. I have adaware also. Is that the same as the one you recommended BPS SPyware Adware?If not where do I get that.See I thought it was something to do with Norton. If everything was working correctly I probably would not have gotten into this mess. I have scanned with Trend Micro,SpyBot Search & Destroy,Adaware,Pest Patrol, CW Shredder,Aluria's Spyware Eliminator and with my 2004 Norton but I can't use the scan on Symantec's web site that is what started all this. They said it was my browser that was keeping me from scanning on it.Also none of these can get rid on what they find. Spybot and adaware does pretty good but adaware has couple it can't. Sorry this is so long. Any suggestions I will try anything and like I said I woould buy but rigt now I am so confused I don't know what to buy. Thanks again for your response
  13. -LoNeR-

    -LoNeR- Active member

    Dec 29, 2003
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    my opinion? get rid of norton - man i hate that program, expecially because of that flaw they found....

    what u want to do (in my opinion) is uninstall norton completely, disconnect from the internet, scan your computer with every single program we have suggested and then scan for reg problems then scan and give it a wash with webroot window washer

    that - i think will sort it out ;D

    if it dont post back and we can help more :D

  14. cozza1987

    cozza1987 Guest


    Dealing with Adware, Spyware and Virus's everyday at work...

    4 Programs to Download, which are handy.
    I used them at work on customer's comptuers all the time, and its supprising how much crap people have.

    - Adaware - http://www.download.com/Ad-aware/3000-8022-10214379.html?tag=lst-0-2

    - Spybot - http://www.download.com/Spybot-Search-Destroy/3000-8022-10289035.html?tag=lst-0-2

    - Spy Sweeper - http://www.download.com/Webroot-Spy-Sweeper/3000-8022-10301356.html?tag=lst-0-3

    - Window Washer - http://www.download.com/Webroot-Window-Washer/3000-2144-10289982.html?tag=lst-0-1

    Those DSO Exploit, if ur using Spybot 1.3, dont worry about those. Its a part of Spybot 1.3 that has a problem, and they wont harm your comptuer. It will say it has fixed and when u run again, they r still there.

    In my opinion.. Keep nortons.

    Every program you get, somebody will find a flaw in it.
    I use nortons myself and have never had a problem at all. This is a good AV program that picks up most viruses (not any AV will pick up every single one)

    http://www.ravantivirus.com/scan.php <- That is a good online virus scanner, that will download definitions to ur comptuer and scan your comptuer for Viruses. That will search through every single file, including through Achieves and will tell u if you have any, or there are any 'possible' viruses.

  15. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    [bold]Daletom[/bold] ~~~~

    If you've read my post correctly and done as suggested , you would be home free and clean of any spyware.

    Ok here goes cause i see there is a lot of confusion on Virus, AdWare, and Spyware !

    All the software on this thread that were recommended have a very definite use.

    Norton is an Antivirus -- it will not remove spyware and as [bold]Loner[/bold] says is a resources monger that will conflict with many pieces of software.A better alternative is Grisoft AVG antivirus that is updated sometimes 3 times a week to keep up with new virus -- and is FREE.

    Ad-Aware is a popup adware remover -- it will not remove spyware

    SpyBot&SD was a fair spyware remover but has not been updated for six months and will not be either -- so it has become obsolete.

    Window Washer is a plain Temporary file cleaner. -- has no idea what spyware is.

    Webroot Spysweeper 3 free version will miss most of the latest ones cause it is not updated often enough.

    PestPatrol is an excellent Spyware stopper

    Cw Shredder is the BEST spyware program there is and must be downloaded FRESH each time it is needed.

    Hijack This is a tool that will log all running programs (hidden files included) -- stands to reason that a spyware program hijacks the operation of your computer and then will somehow attach a bot to your boot processing -- there are new spyware bots coming out each week. They are not virus , they are not Ad Popper --- they are bots !

    Also known as agents, bots are computer programs that run automatically, are sent to do a task in lieu of a 'real person', and are capable of reacting autonomously to events. The name derives (as you've probably guessed) from robots, and they can take many forms on the Internet.

    If you see your computer suddenly go to a home page you have not personaly setup -- you have been infected by a bot. You have been hijacked.

    That seems to be the case you are experiencing Daletom !

    So please post your log file gathered by HijackThis!

    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Do It Right , and you will be a Happy Camper !

    Take Care.[/small]
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2004
  16. cozza1987

    cozza1987 Guest

    Working at an ISP, and comptuers coming in everyday, aswell as customers on the helpdesk, they software that i suggested is what we do 2 all the comptuers before they leave the premises.

    Nortons Anti-Virus 2004 doesnt run to well on older comptuers. Apart from that, it works just fine, and i, have never had a problem. It also detects some as-aware. The most common AV program that we have problems with is PC-Cillin.

    AVG Free is an alternative FREE software, but since its 'Free' it doesnt have all the features of other Anti-Virus programs.

    No it doesnt, thats why its called Ad-aware

    The last update is the 26th June, 2004... 6 months ?
    that seems like 3 weeks to me...

    Nope, didnt say it was, i said they are the programs we use at work... Which some virus's, ad-aware, spyware, reside in Temporary Internet Files.

    It actually picks up more then adware/spybot


  17. Jeanc1

    Jeanc1 Guest

    My post was not nitpicking at any of your assertions ! Smiles!

    As for SpyBot being updated recently -- you are right -- I had given up on this piece of software cause of their lagging in posting updates.

    Hijacking Bots is the new trend on the Internet -- and there are new ones coming out every day. Hence the need for software that is updated quite frequently.

    Regards !
  18. cozza1987

    cozza1987 Guest

    Spybot has become alot better since it has been updated to v1.3

    Nope, i was just adding my opinion.

  19. -LoNeR-

    -LoNeR- Active member

    Dec 29, 2003
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    thats not necessarily a good thing mate - dont act like it is..

    here is a site detailing the MAJOR problems with norton


    "3 problems could allow a hacker to gain control of your system, and one could allow a specially designed packet send it into a endless loop"

    that looks pretty serious to me - ive never seen McAfee, or AVG with those holes.. have you?

    yes everyone knows Pc-Cillin is crap, but - not everyone has a new comp coz

    jeanc1 - u dident mention BPS spyware adware remover...

    and in my personal opinion CW shredder isent the best

    so what - who cares about features aslong as it scans for viruses CoZZa?

    i wonder where Daletom is...

    edit = typo
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Here are three things to think about in life

    you should always live a life of no regrets

    you should never stay in, and stay away because of fear, or intimidation

    You could die at any moment, is your life in order? if you were to die right now - h[/small]
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2004
  20. cozza1987

    cozza1987 Guest

    So your telling me PC-Cillian, AVG, McAfee etc hasnt every had a flaw in their coding....


    Anything under a 300mhz it will run like a dog. And if they have a 'older' comptuer, for one, why would they be buying NAV2004, and if they have a look @ the requirements, thats the MINIMUM it will run on.

    [/quote]so what - who cares about features aslong as it scans for viruses CoZZa? [/quote]

    Why do they also have a AVG Pro, if the free version is good.

    eg Nortons Scans through Achieve's.. i dont think AVG free does....

    This is from my personal experience as well as the other tech's where i work. We deal with virus's, ad-ware and spyware every day.


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