I am looking to pick up an SSD or two in the 60-80GB range. I might just get 1 for now and RAID0 it with my Intel X25MG2 for now until I have the funds for the second matching drive to do a proper software RAID0 through the mobo. I haven't really kept up on ssd reviews and wondered what brands are the best now? I see OCZ is really popular but I just havent been able to bring myself to trust anything OCZ. There stuff has always seemed to cheap to be good.
I've used two SSD's from OCZ and they work fine. IOPS (higher is better) and read/write speed (sequential and random) are important. The vertex series (whatever is fresh) seems to be a good price performance ratio, in my opinion. I really cannot comment on other brands though, i dont know enough about them.
if your going to use raid the crucial m4 is the best option, i have a cosair force 3 and get 120 gb and get 7.9 in windows rating.
Care to elaborate about the crucial m4? Also I dont care much for windows ratings. The results seem a bit skewed. I had 2x Intel X25Ms like my sig says but the sata port broke on one. If memorey serves me right, I got a 7.9 as well.
the m4 is more reliable in raid because it dosent use sanforce drivers ive read a lot of forums where people getting bsods and freezing in raid whith corsair & ocz drive , but dont get me wrong the ocz and corsair maybe faster but reliability is what is needed in raid. check this out http://hexus.net/tech/reviews/storage/30751-crucial-128gb-m4-ssd-review/?page=3