I heard from someone that they can chip the old starview box too get back everything ,i think its the black one for 20 euro is this a scam or has anyone else heard this ???
hi mickah im in Dublin i have the star view the box i take it this is dead,?? so what these guys are doing is pretending to chip something that works already
All they're doing is flashing the box with a freely available version of firmware. It takes under a minute. This is for the super box USB. Older starviews are useless at the moment. No fix on the horizon.
read here for whats working or not, http://forums.afterdawn.com/t.cfm/f...reland_hints_and_tips-updated-782583/#4739217 I have heard of people offering this service, when you ask can you get yours done, they seem to "not be about", these is no fix for the older boxs on the list above nor will there.
Just after stumbling across this thread now. I have one of the original The Box boxes. Naturally it hasn't worked in months 'cos of the encryption. Question is: is there a model out right now for which there's a flash fix i.e. allowing me to get all the NT Hell channels, in Dublin ? Is it the Starview 4 box with the USB port ? If so, how do I install the flash update from the USB - is there a menu or something that pops up when you stick in a USB key ? I bought my original one from iwantabox.com so can I get one that will work with this latest flash upgrade from here ? Anybody who can vouch for a working box as of today, please let me know. Feckin' Premiership is almost upon us and I'm gonna go cold turkey if I don't get to see live footie... Cheers all
starview 4 usb or arnet kryptview are working well,i would go for the kryptview as the have a great team working on fixes all the time.
do people even read threads here? I posted a link above to what boxs are working, what fixs are available and what to look for.