hi, try new gtrom 4 box goes to 100% after on scren flash burning then few sce say flash updates fail tryed three times still same.but shell i do next. plase help me thank you.
if you have a starview box and if you want to know if it a clone box or a really one check out this site http://www.drewish1.co.uk any more question just call
here another this to do put the box make sure not leads are lose get the romote press menu press parent lock press info 2004 bring you into anther window go to end of the press turn on emu and then go to nav put in 54 01 hit ok tthen the next line hit o1 then ok again then on data code put in 81 34 4B 3C 9E DF 10 67 hit ok thenhit exit and all your channels should come up ok [ + quote]