starting a raid

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by skamxxiii, Nov 29, 2004.

  1. skamxxiii

    skamxxiii Guest

    i wanted to start a raid on my pc what i have is a wd1200jb-00cra0 and a wd1200jb-00cra1 i was looking into it and it says u need two drives that are the same do guys think that they are similar enough
  2. MaSHi

    MaSHi Member

    Dec 1, 2004
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    Hi Skam

    I also had the same problem before but now i finally fix it.

    i think you need 1 drivers for installing RAID. when you boot using the windows disc, it should come load a blue screen asking for RAID drivers. insert the first disk into the driver and follow the on screen instruction. you should have RAID driver installed.

    For me i used 4 different disk which was rubbish.

    the only big big trouble was i didn't have a floppy drive and still i dont have one yet.. :(

    you find the RAID drivers on a CD that came with the motherboard, if not you can download it.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2004
  3. MaSHi

    MaSHi Member

    Dec 1, 2004
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    I also want to know.. After installing RAID drivers on pc and my win2k are fully installed.
    Can i format the win2k withut having to install RAID drivers again?

    coz i want to format my pc again but i have no floppy drive :( and i dont want to go through all that hassle again..
  4. ianski7

    ianski7 Guest


    once you format you do need to install all drivers--RAID included. You could burn them on cdr since you dont have floppy.

    In response to skamxxii........

    The drives for a RAID array dont have to be identicle models -- they have to be similar in capacity and speed. Your motherboard has to support Raid or you have to either get a PCI adapter or go for the software variety. The hardware is the better choice.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2004
  5. antthony

    antthony Member

    Nov 28, 2004
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    hey i was just wondering what is RAID?
  6. CJC

    CJC Regular member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    RAID is an acronym for Redundant Array of Independent Disks.

    RAID is a performance enhancing method of storing the same data in different places on multiple hard disks.

    Have a read of will give you a little more of an idea.

  7. MaSHi

    MaSHi Member

    Dec 1, 2004
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    How can i burn the raid drivers onto CDR? do i compile it with win2k CD? or just stick it anywhere on the CD?

  8. ianski7

    ianski7 Guest


    What kind of RAID implementation are you planning?(0,1,5)
    How do you plan to implement it? (motherboard/onboard,PCI)

    It's best to use the most recent drivers. RAID drivers(99% of the time) must be installed before the hardware or the O/S won't detect the array as one drive.

    You don't need to compile them with anything.
    When you install Win 2000, the first screen reads.........Setup is inspecting your.....etc

    The second reads......If you have SCSI/RAID driver press F6. (Assuming you have 2000 PRO)

    Setup will load files and then prompt you to insert cd or floppy(I believe you have to press S at some point).

    If you want to start with two clean disks this should be straight forward. If you want to keep your data it will require you to GHOST(Norton) to each disk.
    This depends entirely on which RAID you choose.

    Hope this helps.
  9. MaSHi

    MaSHi Member

    Dec 1, 2004
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    I think i go buy a floppy drive now...
  10. skamxxiii

    skamxxiii Guest

    I got a soyo k7v dragon plus which has built in raids and win 2k pro how do I start the process do I have to format both drives and also which type of raid is the best for data read and write speeds and also stability
  11. ianski7

    ianski7 Guest


    According to your board specs you can support RAID 0 and 1.

    RAID 0

    The simplest RAID level, RAID 0 should really be called "AID", since it involves no redundancy. Files are broken into stripes of a size dictated by the user-defined stripe size of the array, and stripes are sent to each disk in the array. Giving up redundancy allows this RAID level the best overall performance characteristics of the single RAID levels, especially for its cost. For this reason, it is becoming increasingly popular by performance-seekers, especially in the lower end of the marketplace.

    RAID 1

    RAID 1 is usually implemented as mirroring; a drive has its data duplicated on two different drives using either a hardware RAID controller or software (generally via the operating system). If either drive fails, the other continues to function as a single drive until the failed drive is replaced. Conceptually simple, RAID 1 is popular for those who require fault tolerance and don't need top-notch read performance.

    In a nutshell, RAID 0 is fast and stripes info on both drives. If you write--I WANT RAID

    I -- on drive 1
    WANT-- on drive 2
    RAID-- on drive 1

    If either drive fails you lose data. This RAID has faster read and write speeds and can be adjusted (size of stripe) for different data.

    RAID 1 will keep your data safe but the tradeoff is slower performance since all data is written to both drives.

    I WANT RAID -- drive 1
    I WANT RAID -- drive 2

    Check out the links and choose the RAID that suits your needs.

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2004
  12. Buik

    Buik Regular member

    Nov 15, 2003
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    Yes, you must format both drives. W2K will not prompt you to format the drives. Load all of the drivers from the disc that came with the motherboard.

    Reboot and be quick about selecting "del" or whatever prompt you are given regarding setting up a RAID drive. Set up your RAID drive "O" if you want performance.

    Continue the boot sequence from there.

    Once W2K has loaded, "right" click on "My Computer". Then click on "Storage". Then click on "Disk Management". That will show all the drives attatched to the MB. From there you can click on the HD and select format. You will have to do this for both drives. Once they are formatted you will have a RAID drive.

    Been a while (& many beers) since I had to do that but it should get you going.

  13. MaSHi

    MaSHi Member

    Dec 1, 2004
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    plur... talking about those RAID really giving me and headache :S

    I think i will just buy a floppy drive and format my pc like normal and install RAID drivers when prompt.

    thanks for your help guys, and i hope you skam has installed your RAID drivers

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