i don't know all that much about computers, but i am interested in starting a website. any suggestions as to where i can get started? is there a website i can use? do i need to learn anything like HTML, or some other code? any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
If you just want a simple website without any fancy stuff, you don't really have to learn much, just a little html. Here's a few handy sites to check out : http://www.htmlgoodies.com/ http://geocities.yahoo.com/ http://werbach.com/web/wwwhelp.html http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/ It also helps if you get yourself an HTML editor like Macromedia Dreamweaver, Webuilder 2006, Xara webstyle, or whatever program best suits your needs. Just google around a bit, there are 100's of html editors out there waiting to be downloaded/bought
if it helps, i want to start a website that'll get traffic, and "hopefully" get to the point that i can generate some extra income from it.
Then you're gonna have to make it look fancy, so learning Flash, CSS, and maybe Java might be a good idea. Also, make sure you try and get a few link exchanges with big or well known sites *a link exchange is where you link to them, and they link to you*, and if you want to really generate a lot of traffic, you'd better think of a good concept for your site that draws in the crowds. I know that there are some other AD members that have more experience with those type of sites, so you might want to stick around and await their answers as well.
I am also about to learn about making a website so please anyone with info jump in at anytime. I joining to start out with a socom website(as a learner) for me and my clan, AS i learn i will update, im about go read your links above, I will just need pics,video,and a forum,and maybe i will run it some other ideas, Thank you
that's funny, we both wanna start a website and we're both socrack addicts... i'll look for you on the battle field.
yep, The first problem I ran into . Im useing http://geocities.yahoo.com/ there is only 15mb disk space. That is about 1 min worth of video is there A site that will let me upload my videos then I can just link to it from my site instead of haveing to use up my 15 mb???? Thank you so much I was haveing fun untill I ran out of room .
If you want to actually host video's and audio yourself, then you'll need to get a paid space somewhere, since there aren't any free webhosts that offer that kind of disc space or bandwidth.
Try Dreamhost for your hosting, or other hosting sites. I personally used Dreamhost and it went pretty well. Paid $119 a year I think it was. They have diff payment plans. If you don't shell out the cash, you'll have to work with many limits. But, you can work with those limits. Here is a site a few friends of mine and I worked on just to give u some idea. http://www.geocities.com/princeoftennisrevolutions/
well its kinda finished for now,my first web page. A found the kinda site I was lookin for (Putfile.com) well please check it out tell me what it needs or what im missing or if im doing anything I should not be doing. Thank you http://geocities.com/idxkillers/
I'd suggest 2 things, and don't think I know much about this, but it may add a little touch. 1st, change your page title so when it loads it doesn't say index at the top. Not sure on geocities editing options, but on index.html on line 5, in between the title option, just anything other than title, ie NINVIN2 Socom page. 2nd, host your videos on youtube.com, again, not sure of putfiles options, but when you host on youtube (need to create a free account) it gives you the code to put on your page to embed the video into it, no space taken on your webpage and no bandwith worries....and keeps them on your page as ooposed to someone elses. Only suggestions bud, like I say, not my field
I agree with DMV, except with the index.html thing, it has to be called that for Geocities to be able to work with it... However, you could get a free .TK domain name, and then link that to the geocities page, then it could be called NINVIN2'S Socom Page (or whatever you might want to call it)
Thank you every one you helped more then you know. I might add some effects yet once i find out what they do. I also need to check out some other peoples sites and see what they did. I think putfile is like youtube but with less people. Im not the really worried about the domain name if I try to change it or link if to a differt one I will probally mess something up anyways. well if you guys can think of anything else please let me know. {TKO} how is it going for you? O yeah, on my space they have friends comments were people can talk back and forth, on geocities all I could find is a blog, I type the main post then people comment on it, Dont geocitis have something like my space??? I just looked at some other people sites wow I got a lot to learn How do I get the pics on my homepage to move?
well, i;m startting from scratch so i enrolled in an online class thingy through emachines. it supposedly covers the basics. i'll start there and see where i end up. i certainly hope this will turn some kind of profit. i could use the income and i have the time.
Start to finish.... Make sure you learn HTML before delving into DHTML (Dynamic HTML) and other program languages. I still haven't learned DHTML from the fact that most search engines won't return DHTML sites. A DHTML site is a site that is constantly changing. Search engines use bots nowadays to search sites. When thye find your site they take a "picture" of it for later reference. If your site is set up to change everytime a person views it the bots won't know and you'll lose out. With that said, here is what to do for web design... First get a book from Visual QuickStart for HTML. It's like a $20 - $30 dollar book. It actually gives u pictures of what u type and what it will do. Plus by reading the book from cover to cover it takes u step by step on how to set up pictures and other cool things. I use this still as a reference book if I can't remember how exactly something goes Second get Macromedia Dreamweaver. It's like Adobe Photoshop for websites. It's pretty easy to use for newbies but advanced enough to do some cool things. Thirdly learn Flash and Java. CSS is good also if you're doing multiple website pages and want uniformity. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It works like this. If you type in <a href="blablabafd"> it looks at the anchor <a> and looks at the CSS sheet to see if anything is appended to it. If u want all your links to be blue when it sees <a> it will be blue. Now say u hate blue and what puke green. Change the color in the CSS and it changes every <a> to puke green. It makes it a hellalot easier than using <a href="website.com" color=green> in every single link on every single page If u can't afford Dreamweaver (it has a free trial on macromedia.com) then u have to use notepad to set up your pages. Make sure when setting up pages that u shy away from frameset pages (frames sets take two distinct webpages and merge them into one). The reason being that if you google a website it wil skip over most frame style sites. Also, the first rule of thumb is use a max of 3 different types, colors etc. Any more will be too busy for most users viewing your site and less will be to plain. Also stay away from multiple animated picutres. Sure they look cool but if you overload a site its busy and definately will take away from the content on the site. Once you have your site up you need to get it recognized. This is the hardest part. There is a universal site which all search engines use to look up sites. I can't remember the URL or name of it but I will try to get it on here later. Basically u go to the site and add yourself. It is a directory and is also free. Make sure to register here if you ever want recognition on the net. Google, Yahoo, and all other major search engines use this to look up webpages. Also, make sure you link to other sites as often as possible. If they link to you you're golden. It used to be taht by using Meta tags u could have a search engine find you out (people overly exploited meta tags by placing hundreds of identifer words that search engines would use). Search engines then went to linkable searches. U have a website so you build blank pages that only link to your site. This allowed people to piggyback off these non-legit pages to get to you. Most search engines hate these forms and will usually result in low feedback. Now most search engines use bots. Bots are little "creatures" that follow link upon link around the web. This is why linking to large wellknown sites is key. Without that kind of exposure you won't get recognized. Bots will just keep hopping around and catalog the stops along the way. If a well-known site doesn't havea link to you bots won't know how to get to your site and thus wont help generate traffic. Also, if you can't afford to pay for a site (Yahoo costs as little as $10 a month for like 10 gigs of space) then you will have to use geocities or tripod or something of that nature. Make sure that you use photobucket for your pictures and youtube or putfile for your videos. That way u can use the 15mb of space for HTML files only. This will help out considerably in lowering your usage on free sites. That is all for now. Just hit me up if you have any questions. Here is my boss's site (I work at a pool store in Bennington, VT) www.bpsh.com this was done off of dreamweaver but I physically coded for years prior to doing dreamweaver. One by learning base code u can do thing that are limited on HTML editor programs. Such things as <melee> don't work to well in editors but Dreamweaver allows u to build via their program or go to base code and code yourself.
i have not read all the posts here so forgive me if i am repeating anything, about the uploading videos bit, there are several websites where you can upload videos, like YouTube, Google Video, Yahoo Video etc. and they even have embedding codes so you dont need to provide links you can just take the embedding codes and use them as a HTML code to put anywhere on your site and you have instant video. http://www.youtube.com http://video.google.com http://www.yahoo.com
I found a new problem with building my website, stupid yahoo geocities. Youtube videos work on firefox but not IE what would cause this? Also some links(to people's myspace)Dont work with firefox when I click it Firefox crashes.But they work in IE. Also When I incert HTML script it causes my Text and pictures on the page to Move apart. I don't get it. It's retarded.